Memories & Hints

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And we're back! It's show time guys :) Chapter is long so enjoy <3 Be sure to vote and comment any notes, questions, or whatever! I'm always happy to reply X). Also, again, updates will be more sporadic now but shouldn't take months or anything! Work is just more intensive so I won't have as much time to work on it like usual~



Route 5

Cassandra sighed as she watched Leon speaking to his Rotom phone and showing off his Magnemite, Kay. It was adorable to be sure, but they were supposed to be training the electric-steel type--along with her new Pokémon. It was just a short training session as they made their way to Camphrier town, but it was easily going to get pushed to an hour as he hit about fifteen minutes and was still going. She supposed at the very least they'd gotten up the hillside further along from the skate spark. It was nothing they couldn't handle, but it was only once they got up to the crest of the hill they could make out the town not too far out. It was by no means a long route, and the only trainers were all minors so far, which left little battle training to do.

Thus, they'd stopped for a short break, letting their younger team members work.

As it stood, Kay and Elektra had the most experience and moves. The Magnemite was the better listener, attesting to that she had been used in battled before--Leon had no qualms displaying his ire over the thought of someone abandoning the poor thing--and although Elektra was stubborn and moody, she seemed to understand or at least respect Cassandra's experience. They were definitely going to need to keep working together to turn respect into trust for the Pikachu. The redhead's new Ralts, however, was the opposite: exceedingly affectionate and happy to listen, but very little experience. It knew at most confusion and teleport, but she was a happy little psychic--and fairy--type.

"Sorry guys," she sighed aloud, glancing at Elektra, Sasha, and Haku. All three looked her way. The Pikachu huffed and went back to grooming, the Froakie croaked with some form of disappointment but began to comb through his cloud-like collar, and the Ralts just clambered into Cassandra's lap, content to relax there. The trainer could sense Chara and Lucas' annoyance, too; not accustomed to being held up by these things.

She couldn't really be mad at Leon for it, though--he was just excited, and this was a big deal. He'd only done one Gym Challenge his entire life, so this was a whole new experience. Galar's Challenge was so different from the other regions, so she did want him to enjoy it to the fullest.

Still, being off his phone for one day would be nice. Did he have to do a live feed for his followers every big moment? Then again, he'd missed the first catching of Kay, so it probably was a big deal to him.

It was just--it was... different.

That's what it was.

"Hm?" the redhead paused, feeling a warmth going through her. She glanced down at the source, noting the Ralts was pressing the back of her blue-colored helmet to her chest--right where the warmth was coming from. She chuckled, stroking Sasha's head. "Thanks, sweetie. I appreciate that. You and Lucas are gonna get along well.

"--Until the next Champion Time!" Leon called out, and Cassandra looked up in time for her boyfriend to grab his Rotom from the air and slip into his pocket. Besides him, Kay beeped and made short, happy cries, apparently quite liking the attention; the little thing even rubbed against her trainer, making his hair stick with the static. The redhead couldn't help smiling as she watched the display. He really had a knack for Pokémon. His infectious, bright demeanor really got to anyone, didn't it?

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now