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Roue 12

Leon high-fived his Poliwhirl as Cassandra slipped off Greninja's back, the four of them having had to cross the river that split the first part of the route from the second. Following it north, it spilled out into the sea, rocks serving as a blockade of sorts--for people and Pokémon to an extent, anyways. It left a cozy, sandy beach on its shores, though, and the water had been a good temperature to swim through. It was a little inconvenient having to disrobe to their swimwear for such a short trek, but wet clothes weren't worth it for the rest of the go, either.

"I'm not used to swimming on Pokémon still!" Leon laughed, returning his water-type.

Cassandra chuckled as she did the same, "Yeah--you have your special floating bikes and even Charizard. Back home I had to use Lanturn and then Empoleon in Sinnoh, and most of Hoenn I got to use boats until I picked up a Walrein, but then traded out for a Spheal--they're so damn cute, I can't wait to show you--and then Samurott in Unova, and Lapras in Galar."

"And now Poliwhirl and Greninja. Wild," her lover laughed with the shake of his head. She just grinned while they got dressed once more before taking a good look of their surroundings. Just up the cliffside she could barely make out a sign that looked fitting for the countryside and a building further up. Squinting, she could make out some of the letters. Half was in Kalosian, but the other was, thankfully, in the common tongue.

"Baa de Mer Ranch. Huh, I don't remember... oh, no wait--I think this is the place where they breed the Gogoats that you can ride on in the city," she explained, snapping her fingers as the answer came to her. "Wanna check it out? Or do you still wanna charge through to the next city?"

"No! No, we can check it out! This Challenge is part vacation and all!" he beamed, taking her hand to head up the stairs and then turn to approach the ranch. It was incredibly spacious just in the front yard, a small house up on the right, and the main building just ahead. Between the two was a stable and in front of both was a large, fenced in area with a large amount of Skiddo just lounging about rather than the evolved form.

"Huh, I guess they send all the evolved ones off and just raise the first form here," the redhead mused as they came closer. To their delight, one of the leaf-collared quadrupeds approached them, bleating softly. Both let out an audible "aww" and scratch behind its ears and around its neck, earning more happy bleats. Other Skiddo took note and began to converge, all crying for attention which they were happy to give. Cassandra giggled, "Gosh they're so cute."

"No kidding. I'd love to bring some home for use in Galar, but that would be an environmental nightmare," he chuckled, tapping one on the nose, which made it sneeze.

"Still, would be cute watching all the kids riding them around. Ah, well. Maybe if there's some big event we can invite an organization to use them for fun around town or something."

"Oooh, good idea... Also, I like this 'we' you mention. You decided to move to Galar, eh?" Leon teased, wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her close.

She laughed, nudging him away, "I mean--eventually, yeah? Assuming we don't break up and all... it would make sense for me to move and be with you in Galar."

"Really?" he breathed, eyes widening.

"Uh--yeah? I mean... all your friends and family are here. And it's a lot of them... and Galar depends on you so much. You're a leader to them still--and Gloria. Sure, my mom and dad and brother are back home, and Lance is like my uncle... but most of my friends are all spread out--but the most are in Galar, too.

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now