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Route 9

The sky rumbled as Cassandra and Leon emerged from the cave, squinting to adjust their eyes even in the dark light, the clouds blocking the sun. It was already sprinkling a bit, meaning they needed to head back quickly. It was crazy how fast the weather changed, and further off the shore that rain had begun to come down already.

"Dang, weather moves fast on the coast here," the redhead hummed, considering their options.

Leon replied, "Think we have time for our Charizard to--."

The sky clapped and sprinkles turned to a downpour in a second. The two quickly sprinted back into the cave, glad to not be drenched. They did laugh, though, the irony of the moment.

"Nevermind," he snickered, making room as some other trainers rushed in. "Guess we need to wait?"

"Well, maybe not... Sasha, come on out girl," she spoke, bringing out the Kirlia's ball. The graceful Pokémon made a gentle cry as she spun around, her face bright with her smile. A pleasant wave of emotion came over them, Sasha always one to try and make everyone happy. Even the other trainers around them seemed to visibly relax. Cassandra chuckled and stroked her head gently, "Thank-you, baby girl. You're always so sweet... but how about a real challenge? Think you can teleport both me and Leon to the fossil center we were at? Here, read my mind for it."

The Kirlia chirped as she closed her eyes in time with her trainers, and the redhead could feel a prickle in the back of her mind. She'd felt it before, when Espeon would sometimes share thoughts more intimately with her. It was like the bond she had with Suicune and Zacian in a way--sensing thoughts and words, only Pokémon couldn't form the words. Besides the Legendaries. It was close, though. Either way, she thought of the location, and in a moment the sensation stopped, and her Pokémon chirped and nodded, affirming her confidence.

"Awesome. You're so cool, Sasha," Leon grinned, holding up a hand, which the Pokémon tapped with her own. He laughed, "I'm ready when you are. Take care of us, okay?"

"We trust you, so do your best. It's okay if you can only do one at a time," the redhead beamed, but her Kirlia stood fast, closed her eyes, and after a few seconds a warm sensation consumed their bodies, like being enwrapped in a blanket. The dark cave turned into a blinding white and then--an instant of nothingness. Weightlessness. As if they didn't exist. Then they did again. They were whole and real, and the rock walls turned to white drywall and tiled floor. A ring of gasps came about, the scientists lingering spooked.

"Ah--sorry! We were trying to avoid the rain--I thought she'd take us outside!" Cassandra laughed, picking up Sasha and nuzzling her. "You did so good, though! I'm super proud of you."

The female scientist from before paused, then clapped her hands, "Oh! It's you two! Well, you certainly gave us a scare, but we're glad to see you back--our associate messaged us before he started back this way. He's taking the Rhyhorn, though, so he'll be some time still."

"And wet--it's pouring out there," Leon chuckled, then snapped his fingers. "Oh! Right; your guy gave us fossils to revive. I don't suppose you are able to do so without him here?"

"Of course," the scientist smiled and held out her hand, "The process can take a few hours, but you're welcome to stay here or head to the Pokémon center which might be more comfortable, in which case if you leave your contact details we'll let you know when it's done. It's a bit of a delicate process and all."

"Sounds like a plan," the young man nodded back, and both he and the redhead handed over their fossils along with their numbers. "Thanks again--it's going to be something to have an ancient Pokémon brought to life!"

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now