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Laverre City

"We're bringing you this special bulletin: the Poke Ball Factory in Laverre City has been attacked! The culprits are believed to be Team Flare who have been mentioned as of late, although nothing has been confirmed by authorities, and they remain but an unusual group of 'fashionable' gang members who seem just keen on causing minor problems for the community. In better news, this attack on the Factory is not expected to have any effect on the sales of Poke Balls--"

Cassandra frowned, turning off the Holo Castor, "Ugh! Malva downplaying their involvement--."

"Damn frustrating, but I guess the police want to keep things... under control? I dunno, but... yeah; I don't like it, either. It makes me think too much of how things were with the brothers, only we went public...," Leon paused for a moment, a notion clicking, and he sighed, "Uuugh... she's probably doing what we did--downplaying to keep people feeling safe."

The redhead clicked her tongue, "That's true... still, it's... Well, I guess it's because this time it's not our choice, and we're still involved. It feels personal, I guess is the way to put it."

"Yeah, definitely personal... especially that powerful guy. He knew you."

"I know," she replied, frown deepening. "And... I know that voice. I'm just... I'm not sure where or even when. It's just... familiar. Like I heard it a long time ago. But that Pokémon..."

"You know it, too, yeah?"

"Yeah... I'm sure now--there's no Pokémon with Psychic abilities that strong that you can find just anywhere. I've.. never actually encountered it. Him? But... I'm pretty sure it's Mewtwo."

Leon frowned this time, "Mewtwo? Like as in Mew? That famous legendary first Pokémon?"

"A clone--if I remember right. It's been a long time, and the incident happened when I was really young--like back when I was too young to understand a disaster on TV. But I read about it later on. Some scientists were trying to clone Mew, and... well, they succeeded. Only, it was out of control and then there were rumors about it in Veridian, but then it vanished again, and no one has seen Mewtwo since."

"Until now."

"Yeah. Until now," Leon sighed, running his hands through his hair. "That's one hell of a powerful Pokémon."

"Well, it is cloned from Mew, and Mew is supposed to be powerful. Still, just... Arceus. Why is Mewtwo in Kalos? And that guy... damn I know I know him! I just can't remember where!"

"I'm kinda glad you don't--I can't imagine you dealing with him on your own before this."

"Yeah, me neither. Still... This makes it all the more problematic with him being tied to Team Flare. This is twice now, too. They're up to something seriously bad if someone like that is with them."

"Agreed... I just hope we don't run into them again," Leon sighed, shaking his head.

"Not gonna lie--me, too. Thank God Lucas and Sasha stepped up," Cassandra sighed this time. "I hope the kids are okay--the police said they were informed by a group, but we didn't see them even all the way here."

"The police made it sound like they were, so I think so. Once our Pokémon are healed up we can go look for them properly."

"Yeah, we should. The headache finally stopped, too--so glad they have good meds for it here," the redhead mused, standing up as she saw the Nurse approach the counter with their Pokémon in hand. Or rather, in their balls.

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now