A New Life

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Note: this chapter has slight NSFW content, both in action and just mentions. Nothing really explicit or anything, though. 


Weeks Later


Wyndon City

"Cassandra! Oh, it's so good to see you, sweetie!" the redhead's mother beamed on her phone's screen. Beside the older woman, her ginger-haired father waved and grinned, expressing similar interest. They weren't alone, either; her adoptive brother was there, too, and spared her a small smile from his spot at the table they were at. She could see her parents' Machamp and Magneton moseying around in the back, probably helping with clearing the table as it was about dinner time for them.

She waved, "Hey guys! It's so good to see you guys, too. I'll be coming in a few weeks, by the way! Just for a few days before I need to come back here, but still!"

"Oh, that's wonderful! We've missed you so much!" her father grinned.

Silver quirked a brow up, "I take it to do the paperwork?"

"Well, to get it started, anyways. I want to double check on the dimensions and square footage so I can make it just right here, and maybe expand it, too. And then if you guys don't want the Ranch, I'll need to figure out something for it. I'm thinking of giving it to Elm to make a Sanctuary, or, Silver, if you want, you can use it for rehab?"

"I can always talk with Professor Elm and maybe do something like co-ownership. I admit, your Ranch is a fantastic place for it, and if we combine it with the Professor's own ranch, it will make it even more massive."

Her mother sighed, "So you really are moving, huh?"

"Yes, Mom, I am," Cassandra chuckled, leaning forward on the kitchen table she was at. "Leon and I are serious, and I wanna be with him here–and with the friends I've made."

"What, did he propose already, too?" her adoptive brother snorted, but with a wry grin.

"Not yet! But we know we're the end game for each other, and... I like it here. A lot. It's a great place."

"Well, as long as you're happy. I suppose it was inevitable," her father smiled sadly, embracing her mother who looked ready to burst into tears. "I'm just glad you found a good partner, and we know how much his family likes you, too. Still, we're gonna miss you not being here for dinner."

"Hey, c'mon, I haven't moved yet! I need to build my new house first and set up the Ranch, so there's still plenty of time. That, and Leon still has to do the Johto Gym Challenge, so we'll be close by for a month or two. He wants to 'study' other regions' Challenges especially now that he's Chairman."

"Clever," Silver chuckled. "Glad to see he stepped up. What are you going to do, though? You already did the Challenge there."

"Good question. I haven't totally thought about it, but I can always do some side research, or maybe invest in breeding some more. Or I dunno, I've joked about becoming Champion, but maybe something in foreign affairs since I have all my connections? Do you need someone for Team Rescue here? I am related to the head honcho."

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now