Breaking Point

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Lumiose City,


The grunt, much to Looker's disappointment, didn't have much to say in Anistar city. He'd been dragged back to the police station to be interrogated, Cassandra and Leon right behind. Sadly, he was just a grunt and hadn't been told much. At most they simply knew Team Flare had "plans" and they would be the ones to come out on top. Naturally, that didn't bode well for the rest of Kalos, which meant they needed to figure out what the plans were still. Yet, they weren't without some leads. Their HQs were said to be in two places, though this grunt in particular only knew one: Lumiose. There was a location in the capital city. Where, exactly, they refused to say. Loose lips apparently only went so far, but it was a lead, nonetheless.

And now, here they were with Looker, having hitched a ride on their Charizard to join them in their hotel room. Cassandra hadn't missed Leon's reluctance, but he hadn't said anything so far and seemed okay with giving the man a ride to Lumiose to continue his investigation. She knew, though, it wasn't going to end here. Team Flare and Lysandre--their plans weren't simple. They never were, and she had multiple regions' worth of experience to know it. No nefarious group ever stopped at simple, and with the way Lysandre was talking, well; she was sure he was involved somehow, even though she couldn't prove it. There was just no way he wasn't, though, but now they had to focus on finding that base somehow. If they did, they could maybe have more answers.

As such, they were holed up in a hotel room together, Looker pacing as he mulled over what they knew and the other evidence he had, which, truthfully, was all they knew already, too.

"And you said... this Lysandre has been making strange remarks?" the inspector inquired, pausing to meet Cassandra's gaze.

She nodded, "Yeah. He sounded a lot like... well, Ghetsis. And you and I both know what he was like."

"Don't remind me," he sighed, running his hands through his hair. "We're only so lucky that was resolved as... neatly as it was. But this... Lysandre is a major, well-respected figure in society. We'd need full blown proof he was involved and contributing to go against him. He has too many allies. Ghetsis' team and the Sages were only handled so well because they were all committing crimes and revealed themselves early on. Lysandre has not. Team Flare, yes, but... they're better at getting away."

"Annoyingly so," the redhead groaned, rolling her eyes. "And the police haven't found anything, either--truth be told, Leon and I have done most of the work so far."

"I do apologize for that--seems you end up being our best hope in these situations," Looker sighed again. "You were in Galar, too, as I recall from the news. And those kids--."

"My brother and our Champion," Leon interrupted, frowning. Looker gave his best apologetic smile.

"Sorry, your brother and Champion, Gloria, was it? They stopped the initial villain, your former Chairman, and then you two with the Brothers... honestly, I'm starting to think you look for trouble, Ms. Tsurugi."

She chuckled, "Trust me, I'm not. It's got to be a curse or something. Hell, we actually tried to not get involved here."

She swore her lover made a soft snort, making her glance his way, but then went back to Looker, who rubbed his chin once more.

"Unfortunately this isn't straight forward. If I could perhaps... talk with Lysandre personally, I might be able to glean something. Or if we could find more grunts--or rather admins... But truth be told this team isn't as wide spread or shows as much as the others. Even Rocket was less secretive. They're not nearly as bold as their fashion statement."

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