The Future and Past

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Lumiose City

"So the Vivillon question tripped you up, too?" Cassandra laughed as they took the elevator down from the top level where both had just completed their battles against Clemont, the Lumiose City Gym Leader. Beside her, Leon groaned, rolling his eyes as his shoulders slumped.

"Yeah; I forgot how they looked since it's been a while since we battled that one in Santalune," he groaned, but then laughed as he held up the Voltage Badge; the very same one that she had. It was very-much so befitting an electric-type-based gym, bolts of energy converging towards the center of a curved triangle. It was a brilliant yellow, too; not unlike her lover's eyes. "It was a good battle, though--that kid was really strong, and his lil sister was adorable, too. Reminded me of Hop a little! Oh, and Agravaine evolved, too, so now he's a full-fledged Pokémon! I think he's gotten a little cockier now, though."

"Well, he is a lot stronger. I'm glad I decided to evolve Elektra before the Gym--and that she wanted, too, although I ended up not using her too much. I think she likes being stronger, though. She's got that drive."

"Just like her trainer," Leon winked. "Okay, so that leaves... Kay still needs to evolve and so does Arwen. Then you have... Sasha and Rex."

"Yeah, hmm... I think with a bit more training Sasha should be ready--she's been at the second stage a while. As for Rex...I dunno how he evolves still... Do you think Kay is ready? I have a stone for her whenever."

"I think so. We can train a bit more then bump her up before the next Gym," Leon mused, pausing as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. He hummed thoughtfully, "I hope Calem, and Serena do okay; we haven't seen them since the last Gym."

Cassandra chuckled, "Well, we had quite the detour. They could have been held up or stopped to do training. That, or maybe we just missed them, and they took on the Gym last night. We were pretty much wiped and all."

"True!" he laughed, thoughts flickering to the night before. The twist in his gut; the anguish; Raihan's word; the silence in the dark. His only reprieve being the gentleness of her sleeping visage, and the sweet grip of sleep. He pushed the memories aside as he hummed aloud, "Should we get some food before we head on to the next area?"

"Wouldn't hurt--we slept in pretty late," she snickered. "There's a couple of cafes I thought we should try around the center, and then we can stock up on potions and such, too--."

A familiar ringing made her pause, and she pulled the Holo Caster from her pouch. They raised a brow, but the ringer's name came up Sycamore, so at least it wasn't you-know-who calling for more crazy speeches.

"Hello there!" the Professor beamed, waving his hands. "I wanted to talk to you for a little bit. Could you come to Lysandre Cafe?"

"Lysandre Cafe?" Leon frowned, nose crunching at the name. The guy really had a cafe named after him, huh? He supposed he wasn't surprised, but his opinion of the man made it less exciting as it should have been.

Sycamore chuckled, "Do you know where it is? You can see it from outside the Pokémon Center right by Prism Tower. It's the red cafe. Just hop in a taxi if you can't find it. Be seeing you soon!"

His image vanished, and the redhead sighed, "I... really don't want to go."

"Me neither. Lysandre Cafe? Really?"

"I knooooow. Like I get it: he's basically made the region high-tech and awesome, but... uugh I know it's 'cause I have bad juju vibes from him, but... ugh."

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now