Welcome to Kalos!

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Lumiose City, Kalos

Kalos was incredible, that Cassandra was sure of as she and Leon stepped out of the airport and into the sprawling, circular-shaped city. Looking at the large map set outside the facility, it was actually in the shape of a pokéball, something she couldn't help snickering at. It was clever, though, and the landscape overall was impressive--certainly more-so than Goldenrod back home and that was a sprawling metropolis these days. It was smaller than Saffron, and yet even that paled in the light of the city of Lumiose. Truly, Kalos was a beast unto itself in awe-inspiring design.

The buildings rose about two or three stories for the most part--particularly towards the center. The roofs looked to be made of metal with flat tops, but sloped sides with house-shaped windows arches spaced evenly apart. Balconies were commonplace throughout, some more of a guard railing while others had actual space to stand out on. Funnily enough, the bottom layer of the buildings all looked like shopping centers, whereas the higher up floors resembled homes or apartments. The decor was exquisite, though, and the walls made of pristine stone work from brick to marble and more. Even the streets were seemingly perfect, the cobbles placed together in sublime sequence while the cement walkways were evenly spaced.

In a way, it reminded her of the large cities in Galar, only it felt more country-like--or rather, less high-tech. The impressive city in Leon's home region had served as a pinnacle of civilization in terms of advancements in technology as you rushed to experience every little thing. Here, though, the impressive city felt more like a place to relax and enjoy every passing moment--perhaps over a cup of tea or coffee as many people were doing outside the many cafes spread about. Some even had pastry treats that had a tantalizing scent that wafted their way.

"Wow," Leon breathed, and she agreed with the sentiment. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders while he adjusted his cap with the other, "The wait was worth it. This place is gorgeous. It's almost as good as Wyndon."

"You're just biased," she snickered, slipping her arm around his waist and under his backpack to squeeze his sides. "It's definitely luxurious. Everything is probably going to cost a fortune."

"Yeah, but we can afford it," he grinned, then gasped, "Oh right! I need to blog this. Hang on--I wanna show off to the fans."

"Really? We just left the airport, and the delay through customs cost us some time--we're supposed to meet with Sycamore in like ten minutes," she mused, brow raised as he pulled out his golden Rotom and had it float around. He pulled her closer, pressing their faces together with a laugh that she couldn't help but copy, and as the camera rolled she couldn't help laughing, too.

"Hello, Galar! It's your Battle King Leon checking in from Kalos!" he began, grin stretching from ear to ear. He paused to place a sloppy kiss on the redhead's cheek. "Of course I'm here with my beautiful girlfriend Cassandra who you all know and love, too! It's about noon here, so it's almost dinner time for you guys, but we're about to start our very own adventure together! She's here to add yet another win to her belt, and I'm going for my second Champion title! We brought along our Charizards, me Haxorus, and her Lucario, so expect four new team members from each of us along the way! I can't wait to show all of you the wondrous adventure that awaits us!"

He ended it with that, and Cassandra sighed with relief. She couldn't deny his demeanor was infectious and that her heart raced with excitement, too, but it was a little daunting to be on camera for thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people. It could even be millions with how many followers he had, but it wasn't like it was a big deal, right? Everyone knew about their relationship and had been fine before, and so far even with her own Pokégram up, she hadn't come across much of the crazy that Raihan had warned her about once. Then again, she didn't have too many followers yet, either, which, truthfully, was a relief. She wasn't used to this much attention.

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now