Many Meetings I

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Lumiose City

"Okay, Sycamore said to go... left," Cassandra mused as she tugged Leon after her. For all his groaning, he still entwined their gloved fingers and gently squeezed. She knew he liked it even as he protested a little and was pleased when he stepped in line with her, matching her pace. The streets were just as they left them, pleasant to look at, and crowded with lively people--and vehicles that dropped off and picked up their customers. There were also some quadrupedal Pokémon with grass-like features and intricate and intimidating horns, which they soon learned were called Gogoats. It was cute overall, though, and she couldn't help wondering what they were for, if they weren't just allowed to roam free form their trainers--being that it didn't seem like a wild Pokémon. Whatever the case, it all served to add a flare to the city that made it unique to any other region she'd visited.

Thankfully, the walk to the café wasn't too far--not even five minutes and they came upon a "regular" café with red-colored décor on the outside and coffee cups plastered on the entry siding to let you know what kind of establishment it was. Patrons sat outside, chatting, and enjoying their drinks, and on the front of the awning was a clear sign.

Café Solei: The brightest café in Lumiose!

"They're not shy about letting you know how great they are, do that?" Leon snickered, a sentiment which she shared. He motioned with his head, "Let's go put it to the test, yeah?"

Of course, the answer was yes, and she followed him right inside, pushing open the wooden door which dinged to signal their entrance. It was a little small, especially compared to the cafe's in Galar, but it was well furnished and lavish; a dark wooden trim ran along flush to the pristine tiled floors. Manilla ceilings ran up to another dark wooden border, and all around was more wooden furniture to match while in the other corner a barista station was set up, a woman dressed like a maid taking orders. The atmosphere was lively, yet calm and soothing; most everyone engaged in a book or light conversation.

"Oh, it's nice... or not," the redhead frowned, eyes traveling towards the back of the café.

Leon raised a brow, following her gaze, then scowled, "Oh. Arceus, talk about bad luck. We should head out--we can just do room service."

After all, a familiar, very unwelcome face, was standing there.

That is--Lysandre.

By some ridiculous bad luck, the strange man from the Pokémon lab had ended up at the same cafe they were suggested to go try. It was a damned shame, but they wanted nothing more to do with him if they could help it. As such, they two turned to head right back on out, sending a silent apology to the barista who had been waiting for them to come order.

"Ah! Cassandra! Leon!"

The two groaned in tandem, glancing at one another, and turned around as the red-haired man approached them, a beaming smile on his face. She hated to say the smile did the opposite of what the expression usually did. There was no comfort or welcome; rather it filled them with dread.

"I see you remember us," Leon replied, forcing his own smile.

"Ah, you jest. But even if we had not just left from Sycamore's Lab, I would remember you! You see, I took the liberty of looking you up when Sycamore told me you were coming. Your fame precedes you, you know; the incident in Galar was quite popular in the news when it happened. You two are heroes, and Ms. Cassandra here is renowned for having brought the regions together in a way not seen before. Truly, it was immaculate. Simply beautiful ," he beamed, eyes shining brightly.

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now