The Ups & Downs

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Lumiose City

Cassandra winced against the wind as it slapped against her face, which while before was nothing much, now added to the dull ache in her skull. She had the battle from before to blame. The Psychic-based attack that had subdued her, Leon, and all their teams had been unbearable then, and the after effects lingered. She wasn't surprised. The last time it had happened, she'd had a headache for the rest of the day and that had actually been a painful attack. She had Lucas to thank for her protection back in those days--when she'd been facing Team Galactic in Sinnoh. Assholes hadn't held back even against a teenager. Their leader even less so.

She'd learned a harsh lesson from that journey.

And now it seemed they were facing an equally dangerous enemy.

"Hey, you okay? Your head hurting?" Leon inquired as he gently brushed her hair from her face.

She met his golden eyes, "Yeah. You, too?"

"Yeah. It's like I got a bad headache. I was always told about how this happens, but it's different having it actually happen to you."

"For real... Sorry you had to go through that."

"What--'Cas, no, it's fine--I'm sorry you had to endure it again," he rasped, his frown deep. She smiled back softly.

"Comes with the job--so to speak," she chuckled.

He raised a brow, "'The job'?"

"Uh... I guess being incidental heroes, I dunno? Vigilantes? Or something? Not exactly the one to make a career out of, but, hey, sometimes a region needs you."

"I think for once a region can give you a break, 'Cas," he scowled, reaching down to squeeze her hand and tugged on it to have her follow. "You've done more than enough. You don't need to get involved anymore."

She frowned in turn, tilting her head slightly, "I don't exactly sign up to do it--it just happens, and I'm not gonna stand by and let bad people hurt innocent ones. You know that. It's part of why I helped you on the mountain back in Galar, remember?"

"Of course I remember!" he rasped, more-so as a snap, which made her pause. His grip on her hand tightened, then relaxed again as he sighed. He turned to face her but paused when he realized she was looking elsewhere--down the bottom of the stairs. He followed her gaze and had to pause, too.

There, at the bottom, was, without doubt, the tallest human being he had ever seen, and he hung out with Raihan on a daily basis. The man was easily three or even four feet taller, his arms and legs long and gangly and hidden underneath a ragged coat and jeans with leg warmers pulled on top. The fabric was torn and dirty, and his hair, white as snow, tumbled down from his red ski cap down to his waist in frayed out ends and tangled knots. He was by far the oddest being he had ever seen, as well, and he'd had multiple first-hand encounters with Sordward and Shieldbert's hairdos. This was something else entirely, though, and his instinct was to tense up; ready to take action. After what happened earlier with Team Flare, he wasn't going to take chances.

"The Pokémon..." he began, his voice soft, yet loud enough to make out. There was a strange lull to it--or rather, for all his appearance, his voice still commanded respect. And yet, as he continued, it begged for pity and understanding, "The flower Pokémon...The Pokémon that was given eternal life..."

"The what?" Cassandra murmured, squeezing Leon's hand back.

There would be no answer, though, as the man simply began to walk towards the exit to Lumiose city and never turned back. The two Trainers watched him go in silence, confusion palpable, and curiosity deep. The man was a mystery, and they couldn't help feeling a sense of familiarity--or rather, that they knew him. Or at least had heard of him somewhere. Surely, someone like him roaming around would cause quite the rumor.

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now