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Bonnie sighed as she sat at the table, a cup of tea in her hands. It was the middle of the night now, the only sound was the occasional car driving by. Jack had left a few hours ago, with a promise to see her soon, and a kiss. Lucy had left after him.

Lucy and Freya decided to leave in the middle of the night, so Freya could put Hope to sleep before she left. Lucy said she finally felt comfortable leaving, now that Caroline was back in the picture. The blonde risked the end of the world to save Bonnie's life once. She could take care of Bonnie, while Bonnie took care of Hope.

Bonnie sighed as she thought of the Tribrid, if The Council got to Bonnie, they'd come after Hope next. She couldn't let that happen. Who would've thought, the next time Bonnie was ready to risk her life  it wouldn't be for her friends or a lover, it would be for the kid of a man she tried to kill. She nearly laughed aloud at the thought.

"What are you doing up?" She heard a voice say. Turning she saw Damon. The vampire decided to stay the night in the guest room with Elena, Caroline was asleep in Bonnie's bed, while Stefan was asleep on the couch. Alaric and Matt decided to go to a hotel, saying it was better than sleeping on a couch or the floor.

"A lot on my mind" Bonnie muttered, her voice soft. "Tea?" She offered, gesturing to the mug in her hands. Damon shrugged it off, going for the bourbon on the counter.

"You keep this just for me Bon?" He asked with a smirk, shaking the bottle. Bonnie chuckled as she shook her head.

"Actually you got me on it" she said making a face at him. He smirked at the comment, glad he rubbed off on her, even if it was as simple as a drink.

"Good, it's better than that Lockwood special you liked so much before" Damon said sitting beside her at the table. Bonnie smiled as she thought of it. "How is Ty?" She asked making Damon narrow his eyes slightly.

"Still trying to apologize for what happened, I threatened to rip off his arms if he ever came near you" Damon muttered as he thought of the hybrid. Bonnie shrugged as she thought of him, it hurt when he chose someone else over her, they were friends for years. Then again, he thinks he's in love.

"He's not important though, what is important is who's coming after you" Damon said looking at the small witch. She sighed as she looked down, watching the tea in her hands.

"Well apparently it's someone on The Council" Bonnie said as she thought of them. Damon frowned, he'd heard of them in passing, but he always thought they were a myth.

"So they're real" he muttered making the small witch frown.

"Yup and they want me, or at least Thaddeus Martin does" Bonnie muttered before picking up the invitation beside her. "And I'd bet money, Klaus is throwing this party just for them" she said showing the piece of paper to him.

"Alright, so we have our first step, we know Thaddeus is the main guy here, now we need to know who's with him" he says causing the witch to nod at his words. "And Klaus gave us the perfect way to find out who"
Klaus expected the small witch to have some questions when she got the invitation. He even expected some anger if he pushed the right buttons, which he wanted to. What he didn't expect was for her to walk into his home with 2 Salvatore's and a Forbes.

"Well, look at what the cat dragged in" Klaus drawled out, watching as his witch walked in flanked by them all. Caroline raised an eyebrow at the look Klaus gave Bonnie, the small witch looked hot today, and Klaus looked ready to devour her whole.

The long sleeved red shirt was a v-neck, which showcased her breasts, and a tight black skirt which stopped mid thigh. The black boots and leather jacket pulled it together. Hell if she swung that way she'd try to get at Bonnie, she was surprised it took Klaus this long.

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