Satellite Heart

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It felt as if the silence was stretching on for hours. Her green eyes stared at him as he could only stare back at her. He couldn't confirm nor deny any of it. No matter what he said he would lose her trust. The faith she had in his would disappear.

"Did you know Klaus?" Bonnie asked the man, her eyes narrowing as she looked up at him. The large book now forgotten as she looked up at him suspiciously. The way he resolutely looked away from her let the witch know all she needed to. Bonnie let out a shaky breath as she turned her head. Attempting to hide the hurt she felt.

"Bonnie you have to understand-" he started, making her green eyes widen. The small woman took a step back as she covered her mouth in shock. Though it barely took a second for her shock to turn to anger.

"You knew, you knew this entire time, and you didn't say anything" Bonnie accused making the hybrid shake his head.

"No, Bonnie there was a spell, made by one of the most powerful witches in history, I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to" Klaus countered, making the woman scoff at him. Shaking her head she turned beginning to pace back and forth.

"Oh please Klaus, when you want to do something you will find any way to do it besides the spell was only about this queen crap, not about how the council tried completely wipe out the Bennett line you could've said- oh God" she said, interrupting herself. Her blood running cold. Klaus watched as her green eyes widened. "Oh God, they're gonna come after Alicia or Lucy next, they're going to wipe out my entire family again, I have to get home" she whispered, closing the book, and grabbing her jacket.

"Bonnie, they won't make a move against them, not yet" Klaus told her tiredly, knowing that his knowledge of the situation would only make her more upset. He was proven right when she turned to him, her eyes narrowed, and turning red.

"Oh really? And now you can talk about it? How convenient" Bonnie told him sharply. Klaus sighed as he looked at her.

"Bonnie, it was a spell" he tried to reason with her, watching as she threw her jacket down onto a chair.

"Klaus you could've done anything told me about the book, tried to put it in my hands but you didn't, I read the spell you just couldn't talk about it or write it down to me but there are other ways Klaus, you know more than anyone about loopholes so why didn't you even try to tell me! More importantly how could you not tell me that my family is in danger!" she asked him seriously, her eyes narrowed at him. The hybrid had no words for her.

Not because he didn't know the answer. He simply had no other arguments. The truth was, there were ways he could've told her. He had Charlotte's spell book in his library. As the eldest daughter of Andromeda her grimoire had writings, detailed writings, about the history of the Bennett line. How they were supernatural royalty.

He could've given her the book and let her know it all. He could've left it somewhere he knew she would find it. Yet he liked that she counted on him. That she depended on him. He even liked that she knew him so well she knew that he chose not to help her learn the truth. He was her anchor, the one who helped her through everything, and he liked every minute of it.

"Bonnie..." he started, but couldn't finish. The witch's green eyes were trained on him, he saw the pain in them.

"You know, more than anyone, how many people have kept things from me my whole life and you did it anyway! What else have you been hiding from me?" Bonnie said, making Klaus sigh. The small witch tilted her head for a moment. A random thought entering her mind as she looked at him. Finn's words echoing in her head. Klaus felt his heart drop at the look in her eyes.

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