We're Stronger Together

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Okayyy so usually I'd leave the a.n for the end of the story and there is gonna be a small one at the end but first I just wanted to tell you all just how amazingly grateful I am for you❤️ the amount of support I've gotten lately was just unbelievable and even made me tear up. This has been such a hard time and I just can't explain how amazing it made me feel thank you all so much I love you guys❤️

As Bonnie woke up she knew she wasn't alone. The arms around her waist and tenderness between her thighs reminded her of the night before. She spent the night with him. It was the first time she spent the night with anyone in nearly a year. With a content sigh she turned to face him. Jack Jones.

The rich artist that came out of left field. He just showed up one night and swept her off her feet. The man was like a dream. He was sweet and so caring, yet didn't smother her. Not to mention how he made her feel last night. She felt like her whole body was one fire. Pleasure coursed through her just at the thought of what she felt last night.

Bonnie's smile slipped when she remembered. She had to give him up. She simply had to remember it was for his own good. Anything could happen to him with a psycho hunter after her. She was dangerous. He was a liability. She supposed in some ways, Klaus was right. Love can be a weakness.

It was only when she realized she was thinking about Klaus while in the arms of another man did she get up. He was already in most aspects of her life, she didn't need him in this one too.

Instead of following her line of thought she stretched, careful not to wake the sleeping man beside her, and went to take a long shower. She desperately needed to feel the warm water on her skin. She could still feel his hands on her body and if she was going to end this now then she couldn't.

After a quick shower, Bonnie looked at herself in the mirror. In the time she'd been in New Orleans, she'd felt better than she had in years. Her green eyes got their shine back and so did her skin. No longer was it dull and lifeless but glowed in a way she hadn't seen in so long. Now The Council wanted to take this away from her. Wanted to take her new, amazing, life away from her. Sighing she began to dress herself, knowing she'd have to talk about them with Klaus in a few hours.

Seeing that Jack was still sleeping soundly, she tiptoed her way to the kitchen, she could at least make him some coffee before doing what she had to do

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Seeing that Jack was still sleeping soundly, she tiptoed her way to the kitchen, she could at least make him some coffee before doing what she had to do. Bonnie couldn't help but sigh as she thought of the man in her bed. It was fine. Guys don't take things like this seriously anyway. Then again, Jack wasn't most guys.

From the minute Bonnie met Jack she knew he was different. She could see it. It was in the way he moved, and presented himself. The way he talked to people, no matter their class. She could see it in the way he looked after Alicia. Jack Jones was most certainly not like most guys.

Walking into the kitchen Bonnie was met with matching smirks from both Lucy and Alicia. Her cousins sat at the table, leaning forward to look closely at the smallest witch in the room. Bonnie rolled her eyes, resolving to simply ignore them as she made coffee.

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