Can't Save Me

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The sky was dark. The nearly black clouds above promised a particularly nasty storm. Klaus wondered if it was actually Mother Nature that did it, or the Bennett witch laying in his bed.

He'd had no choice but to take her there after dragging her, kicking and screaming, away from Jack's corpse. She didn't make it easy. She'd hit him with aneurysm after aneurysm, nearly set them both on fire. It took Damon of all people to calm her.

When he got her to stop screaming, Klaus carried her to his home. While they had Bonnie's room set up, he didn't think it was a good idea to leave her alone, not like this. Luckily Hope hadn't woken up to see Bonnie yet.

The witch had been practically catatonic. Her usually lively green eyes dull as she stared lifelessly at the wall. Klaus sighed as he looked at her. He didn't know what she saw, or what happened, but he assumed the human man had saved her.

He doesn't think he'll ever be able to forget hearing her cries that night.

Bonnie stopped screaming at the sky, her face now buried in the dead mans chest, blood covering her. Her cries were heard from afar. Caroline attempted to go towards Bonnie, yet Stefan stopped her, shaking his head.

"We have to go" Elijah said, a frown on his face as he looked into the distance. "They've seen the fire, the human faction will be here soon" he said, his eyes going from Klaus to Bonnie.

The witch acted as if she hadn't heard them. She truly might not have. Not with the way she laid on the corpse of her boyfriend. Bonnie caressed his face, tears still rolling down her face.

"Bonnie, we must leave" Klaus said, attempting to lift her. The witch shook her head, fighting against him, trying to stay with Jack.

"No! I can't- I can't leave him" Bonnie begged, her voice breaking. Klaus clenched his jaw as he attempted to grab her more securely. While his heart hurt for her, he had to get her out of here, and away from the wreckage.

"If they find an undocumented witch here, they will kill you, you and your cousins are the only witches in the entire city without a coven" Klaus tried to reason with her, attempting to drag her away.

"Let them come" she said, giving him a strong aneurysm, and fighting against his hold. "I'm not leaving him" she growled out, kicking against him.

Before he could take her much further, Damon appeared in front of her, shocking them both. Simply seeing her best friend in front of her brought more tears to the small witch's eyes, but she kept fighting.

"Bonnie you have to go" Damon told her sternly. As he put his hands on her arms, holding her in place, she snapped her head to him.

"I'm not leaving him Damon, he's dead because of me!" She said causing them all to look at her in surprise. Damon took a breath as he took her in his arms. "She was going to kill me! And he- he jumped in the way" she told him, her voice breaking off at the end.

"I'm so sorry Bonnie" he murmured, his eyes closing. The action made Bonnie stop her fighting, sagging in the vampires arms. "You have to go, he'd want you safe, but I promise I will make sure his body is safe" Damon promised his friend, his heart breaking as he held the small witch. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. She was supposed to be happy now. She was supposed to finally get her happy ending.

Twisting her body, he gave her to Klaus, gently putting her in the hybrids arms. The look in Damon's eyes promised hell of anything happened to her. Elena and Caroline watched as Bonnie held onto Klaus's arms for dear life. The hybrid picked the small witch up bridal style, speeding off with her, and leaving the others to deal with Jack Jones body.

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