The Torture

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Bonnie woke up with a gasp, clutching her stomach. She could still feel the ghost of the knife imbedded in her. Sighing Bonnie stood, making her way out of her room and into the kitchen to make herself a calming cup of chamomile tea.

Setting the pot on the stove she wrapped her short green robe tighter around herself. After explaining to her cousins how she knew Klaus she ended up telling them the events that lead to her leaving Mystic Falls. It was hard for her to think about. Her friends let her sacrifice herself over and over again, she was abused, tortured, cheated on and left behind. She'd died more than once. She'd been put through things people twice her age haven't seen.

There were things she was proud of, of course. She taught herself magic, she'd gotten closer to defeating the Mikaelson family than anyone else had ever been. She'd gone up against Silas, one of the world strongest warlocks and gotten herself out of a prison world using the blood of the strongest witch. She had her magic flowing through her.

The sound of the kettle jolts her out of her thoughts. She pours the tea into a small mug and sits at the table, stirring it slightly. The steam already making her calm down some. Relaxing she sat back in the chair.

She looked down at her tea and sighed before taking a sip

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She looked down at her tea and sighed before taking a sip. As much as it hurt her, she couldn't help but miss her friends. Especially Caroline, Matt and Damon. Damon, who she ended trusting more than anyone. She huffed angrily before shaking her head and taking a sip of her tea. She'd never sleep again if she stayed angry. Feeling her phone buzz in her robe pocket she took it out and looked at it.

You've been gone for days Bonnie, please just let me know you're okay. I know what I did was wrong but we've gotten through worse please just let me know you're safe.


Sighing she put her phone down and looked at it. It was hard not talking to him. He'd became her best friend in their time alone. She loved him and even though he messed up, she knew he loved her too. Their lives were so fucked up that she knew where he was coming from.

I'm safe, I'm with family.

She sighed as she sent it, not waiting long at all before she received a message back.

We are your family Bonnie, please come home

Bonnie stopped for a moment. She took a deep breath, before sending the most truthful thing she'd told any of them.

That hasn't been my home for a long time
Klaus stared at the small child in bed, smiling down at her as she slept soundly. Yet even as he stared down at his Hope, he couldn't help but think of the witch he'd crossed paths with.

Bonnie Bennett was always strong yet when he saw her today, she was different. Stronger. More powerful for sure, but this was in her spirit, which in reality was already strong. She was a warrior in all aspects.

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