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"I have a proposition" Kai rasped as Elijah's grip on his neck tightened. It was seldom the eldest, living, son of the Mikaelson clan got angry but when he did it was true and usually ended in death.

At this moment Elijah wanted to torture the warlock on his grip, wanted to take a page out of his brothers book and feel Malachai Parkers heart in his hand as he slowly crushed it into dust.

"What could you possibly have that we would want?" Elijah growled out, his grip tightening ever so slowly. Kai's lips started to turn blue but for the life of him he couldn't siphon magic from the vampire and get away. Courtesy of Bonnie, he assumed.

"Information" Kai chocked out finally. Elijah's face betrayed his curiosity for a brief moment but that moment was all Kai needed to know that he'd caught their attention. "On who wants to kill Bonnie" he finally said when the hand around his throat lessened just enough for him to talk.

Elijah looked at the caramel skinned witch behind him, asking her a silent question. Let him go? Or kill him now? The slight tremor in her hand made Elijah want to rip the boys head from his shoulders but information on who wanted Bonnie dead was crucial. Since it was her life, he'd leave the decision to her.

Bonnie looked at Kai, her expression hard and unyielding. She wanted him dead. She wasn't a fool though, he was a lead. With the clues they had now, which were exactly zero, they needed all the resources they could get. Even if it was from a psychotic warlock. With that thought she gave Elijah a firm nod.

Kai fell to his knees, taking in deep mouthfuls of air as soon as he could. He just returned to the land of the living, he didn't want to die yet. This may not have been worth it.

"Talk" Bonnie demanded of him, her arms crossed over her chest. Kai smiled at her, his eyes bright as she looked down at him.

"You look good Bon" he said with a devil-may-care smile. The witch rolled her eyes as she looked down at the man who tortured her.

"Kai" she growled out as Elijah stepped in front of her protectively. Kai raised an eyebrow at the gesture but said nothing. Either they took the protection of this city very seriously, or both brothers had a connection to his little witch.

"Fine, but I can't tell you now, you never know who could be watching" he said lowly. Elijah and Bonnie shared a look before turning back to Kai. "Meet me in the bayou tomorrow, near where the crescent pack lives, it's probably the safest place to have this conversation" Kai said the statement making Bonnie frown. She didn't know there was a whole werewolf pack in New Orleans.

"Why should we trust you?" Elijah asked, his voice now devoid of all affection it had when he was speaking to Bonnie. Completely business. Kai smirked at the original vampire.

"Because, you don't have much other choice" he said before snapping his fingers and disappearing into the night. Bonnie's frown deepened as she looked at the spot Kai once was. A feeling of foreboding in her gut.

"Bonnie..." Elijah started, yet couldn't help but trail off. He wasn't sure what to say to her. He barely knew what he should be thinking at the moment.

"We should get Lucy and get out of here, and find out who's been listening" she said strongly before turning on her heel. He watched as she walked away from him. Her once relaxed body now walking with purpose into the kitchen, meanwhile he only had one thought.

God help anyone who got in Bonnie Bennett's way.
Jack frowned as he looked down at the painting in front of him. For the first time he couldn't concentrate on what was before his eyes. The dancer in the painting seemed too dull, the only thing in the painting that truly spoke to him were her eyes. Green.

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