Soon Enough

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Bonnie woke up tired the next morning. Luckily for her she didn't have work today so she'd just be running a few errands for herself. Lucy was somehow able to go to work, she worked at a magic shop in town. She'd opened it once Katherine died, finally able to stop running. Alicia has been acting a bit distant that morning, only saying that her tutor wasn't what she expected and that she'd tell us about it when she got home later that day. It wasn't like her but Bonnie knew she would tell them when she was ready.

Instead of worrying about something she couldn't help at the moment, Bonnie decided to just get ready for the day. She was feeling a bit strange, though it might have had something to do with not having much to do today. It seemed since she got here she was doing one thing or another and that just wasn't the case today.

Instead of dwelling on her strange feeling, she got ready. She put on a regular black wife beater tucked into a black leather skirt, which came with a belt. Throwing on a patterned jacket over it she decided to put on some lipstick and winged her eyeliner, leaving her hair loose around her shoulders.

 Throwing on a patterned jacket over it she decided to put on some lipstick and winged her eyeliner, leaving her hair loose around her shoulders

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Before she could walk out the door she felt her phone ring in her pocket. She let out a soft groan as she put her coffee in a to-go container she got from Walmart.


Sighing she debated not picking it up, she hated feeling like they were getting closer than they should be. Granted when he left Mystic Falls it wasn't exactly on bad terms it still felt strange. They wanted to kill each other, it didn't happen but still, it was weird. Until she remembered Hope. She would have to get over it for her.

"Hello" she says answering the call. The witch grabbed her black shoulder bag and began walking out of the house, grabbing her keys from beside the front door.

"Are you busy?" the hybrid asks making Bonnie frown as she began to lock the door. That was a strange greeting, if she didn't know any better she'd say he sounded desperate.

"Um, I was just going to run a few errands today, why?" She asks making Klaus sigh. On his side of the line he watched as Hope sat sadly in front of her canvas. Freya had just told her she'd be leaving in a few days. Hope forgot about her leaving until then.

"Well Hope isn't having the best day, I have to go to a council meeting soon and the only thing that has put a smile on her face was talking about you" the hybrid said making Bonnie's eyebrows raise in surprise. First of them talking about her at all and then the fact that he decided to call her.

"You want me to go over?" Bonnie asked making Klaus sigh once more. He hated asking for help, especially when it came to his family but apparently Bonnie and Hope had some cosmic connection that has never been heard of before.

"If you could, she barely wanted to paint with me and she wouldn't even look at Elijah" he says leaving out the part where her magic made things float mid-air whenever she saw Freya.

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