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Bonnie felt her eyes widen at Caroline question. Her heart stopping as she looked at the blonde. Before she could open her mouth Caroline put her head onto Bonnie's stomach. A gasp leaving her mouth. Slowly Caroline lifted her head. Looking at Bonnie with wide eyes.

"Bonnie?" She whispered. Yet the small witch could barely hear her. Pregnant?

"But that's- the last time was with- that was like 2/3 months ago" Bonnie said lowly, her eyes wide as she looked down. Her hands were beginning to sweat as she closed her hands into light fists. Unusually aware of them. "I'm on birth control? There haven't been any signs?" Bonnie told the vampire, though everything came out as a question. Caroline shook her head.

"Bonnie I can hear the heartbeat, it's low, but it's definitely there" Caroline whispered, looking at her best friend in shock. Bonnie shook her head at that. The witch thinking of any way that Caroline could be wrong. Anything that could prove her wrong. Yet she knew in her heart that there was no way Caroline would make something up like that. Not now.

"I'm pregnant?" Bonnie whispered. Her eyes looking down at her stomach. Heart nearly beating out of her chest. Hearing it, and seeing her panic, Caroline shook her head.

"Hey, no, no, no it's okay Bon, it's okay" she said lowly, keeping her voice even as she brought the small witch into her arms. Bonnie closed her eyes as she took in the information. Pregnant. She was pregnant.

With Jack's baby. She was having the baby of a dead man. She was going to be a single mother. Tears sprang to her eyes as she realized, that just like with everything else, she'd have to do this alone. There'd be no one by her side.

"You're pregnant?" They heard, turning to find Stefan staring at them wide eyed. Elijah was behind him. His mouth dropped open. Though that wasn't the most surprising. What surprised them most was the person behind them. Bonnie felt her heart constrict at the sight of him.

Healing slowly was one of the things Niklaus certainly didn't miss about being human. He could admit he missed the taste of food, the way it was supposed to be, anything he ate now tasted almost dull. The way the sun truly felt on his skin. Yes, he could protect his family, but he'd never admit aloud that missing out on a human life would forever haunt him.

Yet he made a name for himself. A name hundreds of vampires were scared to use. Very few had the gall to attempt to harm him or his family. He'd done what he had to do to save himself and his family from the cruelty of the world. Not all of it was good, most woke him out of his sleep, yet he kept his family alive. Most of them at least.

Kol's face raced through his mind. Finn wanted to die. He even wanted to take them all with him. Yet Kol wanted to live. He wanted to travel the world. Find ways to stay close to nature. He missed being a witch but he never wanted to die. How ironic that the reason he died in the first place was because he tried to save the world from the 'good guys'.

Klaus rolled his eyes at the thought. Elena, Stefan, Jeremy. So obsessed with the moral high ground yet their actions prove time and time again that they're really no better than him or his family. After all, morality was objective. Even if he had to admit, most of the time, his was skewed. He became a monster for the sake of saving his family from monsters.

"We have a problem" he heard from the door. Turning to find Stefan looking a him wide eyed. Klaus frowned at that. Turning off the soft music coming from Bonnie's laptop. Her tastes were quite good. It gave him something to focus on while he healed. Though it seemed whatever was on Stefan's mind would take his complete attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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