Done In The Dark

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Caroline smiled as she saw Damon and Stefan at the kitchen table, the two vampires debating on what to do with Kai, who was magically locked in the basement. Her eyes landed on Stefan, who hadn't noticed her yet. She couldn't stop thinking about their kiss.

While it had been a soft, chaste, kiss, it still meant a lot to her. In all her fear and anxiety about Bonnie, he'd given her something to think about that didn't involve death or torture. Her feelings for him were back full force with that simple thing.

As Damon saw her, he stood, making a comment about going to see Elena and walking out. Giving them the room, Damon shook his head, kids. He knew they needed to hash through some things, now that they had Bonnie back and things were relatively calm, they could figure something out. When he turned to her, Stefan gave her a small smile.

"Hi" he breathed out as she began waking towards him. The elder vampire watched as Caroline pulled out a chair, sitting in front of him.

"Hi" she greeted back, her voice low as she looked at him. Biting the inside of her cheek she took a breath. "So you kissed me" she said watching a smirk come across his face.

"I know, I was there" he said earning a deadpan look from the blonde. Rolling her eyes she let out a soft chuckle. He loved that smile. "Look I know there are a lot of things going on, and you're more worried about Bonnie than anything I am too, but I couldn't go without showing you that no matter what happens I know you're the one for me" he told her.

Caroline's jaw dropped as she looked at him, for once, her mind going blank. Blue eyes met green as they simply stared at each other. Stefan kissed her cheek gently as he stood, beginning to walk away, and toward his room. Before he could take another step, Caroline grabbed his wrist, surprising him.

Before he could react the blonde put her hands on either side of his face, kissing him passionately. Her lips were soft, yet firm, against his. Caroline wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing the older vampire as close as she possibly could. As they broke apart she smiled at him brightly.

"And you're the one for me"
Bonnie looked at Jack with a raised eyebrow as he laughed at her. The dark haired man truly thought she was joking. As he got himself together he noticed her look, frowning as she continued watching him.

"You're serious?" He asked, his accented voice filled with suspicion and wariness. Bonnie rolled her eyes as she nodded at him.

"Yes Jack, I am 100% serious" she told him, watching as he looked at her in confusion.

"Okay, you're a witch as in Wicca, are you a Wiccan?" He asked making her sigh. Bonnie frowned down at the sheets on the bed as she tried to find the best way to explain it to him. Seeing the look on her face he let out a breath, and held onto her hand, bringing her gaze back up to him. "I'm sorry Bonnie, I don't mean to offend you, I just want to understand" he said softly.

Bonnie looked at him intently, suddenly wondering if this was a good idea. Mentally shrugging, she decided it was already too late. Seeing the feather pillow behind them she pressed her lips together.

"I'm going to show you then" she muttered, grabbing the pillow and bringing it over to her. Ripping it open she took all the feathers out, placing them onto the bed.

"What are you doing?" He asked her, confusion clear on both his face, and in his voice. The small woman smiled at him.

"You'll see" she said softly, placing her hand over the feathers. As she floated 3 of the feathers, Bonnie watched his eyes widen, shock written all over his face.

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