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Bonnie Bennett is tired. Tired of coming to everyone's rescue, tired of being the one to fix everyone's problems. Seeing Kai that night, with Damon, pushed her over the edge. She'd died for them, came back to life only to die once again. She thought they were friends now. They'd gotten so close, she'd revealed things to him. Things she'd never told anyone before, gotten each other through the tough days. It was over now, she was done.

After throwing things in she picked up her suitcase and walked to the door it opened to reveal Caroline. The vampire had turned off her switch, giving them all an ultimatum. Leave her with no humanity for a year and she won't kill anyone, after seeing Kai she wasn't sure how well that turned out. The 2 girls stared at each other for a moment before the blondes eyes landed on the suitcase in the witch's hand. She raised an eyebrow.

"You're leaving?" She asked the caramel skinned girl. Bonnie nodded at her mutely as Caroline nodded. "Honestly I thought you'd have left a long time ago" she admits walking past the brunette grabbing a hidden stash. Bonnie almost smiled at her as Caroline held out a glass to her.

"Drink for the road?" Caroline asks and Bonnie nods setting down the suitcase for a moment and grabbing the glass. They didn't say anything as Caroline poured the bourbon into her glass. Clinking their glasses together they shared a small smile.

"To new beginnings" Caroline says happily, almost bubbly. Bonnie smiles softly.

"To doing what's best for you" Bonnie tells her. Caroline inclines her head with a smirk. As they finish their drink Caroline looks at the small witch.

"What happened this time?" Caroline asks, even without her humanity Caroline still cared about Bonnie. She just couldn't help it, she would hide it though. Bonnie shrugged at first but seeing Caroline's raised eyebrow sighs.

"While I was in the prison world I was, um, tortured by Kai, a siphoning witch" she admits pulling up her shirt to show Caroline the scars on her stomach. The blonde raises an eyebrow as she looks at them. "Damon just made me face him again, after I specifically told him I wanted nothing to do with that, he wants me to risk my life to save his mom. Old me would've done it in a heartbeat but, I've already died twice" she admits throwing back the rest of the drink. Caroline nods at her.

"Well fuck them all" Caroline says pouring Bonnie a bit more making her laugh. Clinking their glasses together Bonnie smiles. Still Caroline even without her humanity. As they finish their drinks they look at each other.

"Whenever you decide to flip the switch or even if you're just in New Orleans, call me" Bonnie says throwing back the drink and picking up her suitcase. Caroline knits her eyebrows together.

"New Orleans?" She asks thinking of the hybrid she knows resides there. Bonnie nods as she turns to face her at the door.

"Yea I've got 2 cousins down there, I'll be staying with them for a little while" Bonnie says and Caroline nods at her. Bonnie begins to leave.

"Bonnie" Caroline calls out to her before she closes the door. Turning back the witch looks at the blonde vampire. "Mystic Falls is gonna be a lot more boring without you" she says making the small witch chuckle.

"I'll miss you too" she says shaking her head. It's true Caroline was always the one that was there for her. Not Stefan, Jeremy, Damon or even Elena it was always Caroline and of course Matt.

Caroline raises an eyebrow as the Bennett witch shut the door behind her. Seems she doesn't remember, or was never told, exactly who lives in New Orleans. Laughing to herself Caroline shrugs, that'll be a nice surprise for the witch and great amusement for her.
Bonnie had been driving a day and a half to get to New Orleans. She ignored her phone which rang nonstop ever since it hit 8 am the day she left. Damon was trying to get a hold of her but she wasn't ready to face him, she needed to be grounded first. No one but Caroline knew where she was and with or without her humanity she knew Caroline would never tell.

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