The aftermath

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Bonnie woke up with a groan, immediately noticing her right shoulder was sore as hell. She moaned as she sat up and saw a bloodied bandage on it. It wasn't long before memories of the night before came rushing back to her.

She'd been shot. Raising her eyebrows she couldn't help but chuckle lightly. Of all the things she'd thought could happen to her, being shot was last on the list.

"For someone who's been shot you seem in high spirits" she hears. Looking up she sees Freya at the door, a steaming mug in her hand. Bonnie shrugs a shoulder, unable to stop the wince as she does so.

"After everything I've been through this is probably the most normal way I could have died" Bonnie says with a chuckle. Freya could only smirks at the witch. She could understand that after all.

"Well I'm sorry to burst your bubble but it wasn't exactly a regular bullet" Freya says handing the mug to Bonnie. Bonnie smiles, giving her a soft 'thanks' before raising an eyebrow at her.

"It wasn't a regular bullet?" She asks wondering how her life had gotten so complicated that even bullets weren't normal anymore.

Freya nodded as she sat on the bed next to her. Bonnie shook her head looking at the older witch in confusion. Freya sighed wishing she'd waited a while before opening her mouth but knowing it was too late now.

"No it had special properties, Klaus's blood wouldn't even have saved you had he not brought you back here, luckily I had the antidote" she says softly making Bonnie sigh.

"But she got away didn't she?" Bonnie asked making Freya nod.

"He had 1 of 2 choices, go after her or save you" Freya confirms making Bonnie sigh. Well at least something good came of her arrangement with the hybrid. She would be dead if it weren't for him.

Freya frowned when Bonnie groaned. The witch suddenly realized that he would now hold that over her for as long as she lived. Niklaus Mikaelson saved Bonnie Bennett's life.

"Sorry, I don't- I'm happy I'm alive and all but I just realized I'm gonna hear about this for as long as I live" Bonnie muttered making Freya smirk. Freya was sure her brother would happily remind the girl he saved her life every time they snarked at each other.

Yet Freya knew how worried he was for the witch. He had tried to hide it but she could see it in his eyes. She wasn't sure if it was because of Bonnie's relationship to Hope or their own relationship but she knew it wouldn't have been pretty if Bonnie Bennett had died last night.

"Did you tell Lucy? Or Alicia?" Bonnie asked making Freya nod softly at her. Both girls had come straight away, not leaving Bonnie's side. They'd only fallen asleep a few hours ago making Elijah put them in the guest room but they'd somehow ended back in the sitting room. Elijah knew enough about Bennett's to know that if they wanted to do something they would, comfort be damned.

"Yes, they finally fell asleep after looking after you all night" the tall witch replied. Bonnie nodded at her.

"And Hope?" Bonnie asked wondering if the small girl saw her last might. She wouldn't want Hope to see her like that. Freya shook her head.

"No she slept the whole night" Freya explained making Bonnie breathe a sigh of relief. Before Bonnie could respond Freya picked up the smaller girls phone.

"Your phone has been going off all night though, I had to shut it off before Klaus killed the person on the other side" Freya says with a smirk. Bonnie's eyes widened as Freya threw the phone at her before leaving.

"Jack" she muttered as she saw the name appear on the phone. She dialed his number and listened as the phone rang. He picked up immediately.

"Bonnie are you alright?" The Australian man asked making Bonnie frown.

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