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As Jack made his way back to the balcony, he was surprised, and more than a bit disappointed to find Bonnie gone. Sighing he rested his elbows on the railing, leaning over it. He should've known it was too soon. Entirely too soon to tell someone so reserved you love them.

"Hey Jack" he heard, turning to see Bonnie's blonde friend walking towards him. "Have you seen Bonnie, Hope's asking for her, she promised to read her a bedtime story" Caroline asked, watching as the rich mans face fell. Sighing softly he turned, shaking his head.

"Um no, actually, I think I- I think I scared her off" he said, his voice low. Caroline frowned at the mans words, wondering what he could do to scare the Bennett witch off. She wasn't intimidated by much and Caroline could see she truly cared about Jack.

"What do you mean?" She asked, her voice soft as she walked up to him. Jack sighed as he looked at the young girl.

"I told Bonnie I love her" he admitted. He knew that Bonnie would tell her best friend anyway, it seemed they told each other everything.

Caroline's eyebrows shot up at the confession. He loved Bonnie. It had been more obvious he cared about her, just completely smitten with her, yet it was still surprising. They had only been together a little while, hell she just found out his family was trying to kill her.

"Wow" Caroline said before frowning. "Wait- Bonnie wouldn't run from that though" she said, her eyebrows knit together in confusion. Jack looked up at her, a deadpan look on his face.

"Caroline, you don't have to spare my feelings-" he started, before the blonde raised a hand, cutting him off. Dread beginning to pool in her stomach. Something was wrong.

"No, Jack, Bonnie is a very confrontational person, she's never run from anything in her life" Caroline said, thinking of Klaus. That's one of the reasons he liked her after all.

Looking down at the floor, she noticed something glint in the moonlight. Getting closer, she realized it was a necklace, Bonnie's necklace. Picking it up, she held it so Jack could see.

"Isn't that...?" He started, his voice filled with questions, as Caroline nodded.

"This is Bonnie's" she said frowning. "Somethings wrong"
When Bonnie woke up she was unsurprised to find herself tied to a chair. Groaning she wrestled against her shackles, the clanging made the pain in her head worsen, but she needed to get out of here.

"It's no use" she heard, turning to see Kai. The siphoning warlock was tied to his own chair. His entire face was bloody and his left eye swollen shut.

"What the hell is this?" She asked, so many questions ran through her head at the sight of him. Why was he here? Why was he tied to a chair and bloody? What the hell did they want with her? Why haven't they killed her yet? Seeing the gears turning in her head, Kai gave her a weak smile.

"They have questions for you, they should be coming back to kill me soon" he told her. Bonnie's eyes snapped to his at the words. Though his arms were shackled behind him, he tried to shrug, wincing when he did so. "They've already asked me everything they could, they know they're not getting anything else out of me, and they can't use me against you. You hate me" he told her, watching as her face filled with understanding.

"How long have they been holding you here?" She asked him, watching as he thought about it for a moment.

"Well, after our meeting in the restaurant, Elijah had me taken to some jail or something and I was being held by Klaus's men" he told her, watching as surprise flitted across her face. Ah, so she didn't know. "They broke me out of there and brought me here the day after" he said. Bonnie frowned at his words. Not because she thought they were untrue or because she didn't think Elijah could do something like that. She knew he could.

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