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It had been a week since the gala and though it was still hot as ever in New Orleans, Halloween was definitely upon them. Bonnie had been working at the bar and had picked it up relatively easily. Cami said she was a natural and Rousseau, or Rossi as Bonnie had taken to calling him said she was his favorite hire ever. He'd started taking care of Bonnie like a father would. It didn't fill the hole her own father left but she welcomed it regardless.

"Bonnie I have to leave early to take care of something, lock up and don't forget to call me when you get home" he says giving her a kiss on the cheek as he rushes out of the door. The brunette can only smile at his retreating form shaking her head fondly at the man.

She hadn't been bothered by any of the Mikaelson's other than when they came to the bar, apparently this was their favorite in the city. Bonnie could only roll her eyes at her luck. They agreed to keep their distance while they were here though and so far they'd kept their word.

Damon has kept his distance but she could still feel him around. She'd grown so accustomed to him and his aura in the prison world she could sense him, even when she couldn't see him. She knew he was outside now, skulking around. She'd admit it made her feel safe at times.

Wiping down the counter she heard the bell ring, signaling a new customer. She didn't expect many people to be coming, it was a Wednesday after all. Bonnie looked up to greet them but to her surprise saw a familiar face.

"Mr. Jones?" She says in surprise as he smiles at her, a bit shyly. He gives a small wave as he walks further into the bar, hands in his pocket. The man had on a grey button up, rolled to his elbows and dark jeans. It was a good look.

"Hello Miss Bennett" he says and she shakes her head at him as he takes a seat in front of her.

"Just Bonnie is fine" she tells him quickly as she walks to where he is seated at the counter. She honestly didn't think she'd see the man again, especially so soon after the gala.

"Then please call me Jack" he says softly in a warm accented voice, so different from those she'd become accustomed to. She nods at him and gives him a warm smile.

"Okay then Jack, what can I do for you" she asks as she sets the rag down. He looks behind her at the available bottles and nods.

"Bourbon, neat please" he says and she nods at him grabbing the bottle and a glass. Handing him his drink she smiles. He was still as handsome as she remembered. Deep brown eyes and stubble coating his jawline. Just made her want to bite his neck.

"I didn't take you for the type to come to a place like this" she says raising an eyebrow at the man. He smiles at her as he shakes his head.

"And why is that?" He asks making her chuckle at him. It's funny, even with him being wealthy and owning actual art galleries, he seemed so normal. It was refreshing.

"Do you really need to ask?" She asks him as she grabs a glass cleaning it with the rag she had just set down.

"Well a very talented student of mine said this was a good place for a drink, also said something about a beautiful bartender" he says with a small smirk in her direction. She smiles at him before shrugging.

"Ah I see, well you just missed her, Cami leaves at 10 now" she says making him chuckle at her. She looks at him softly as he shakes his head at her antics.

Before they can say anything else the bell rings again. Bonnie looks up and sees Nicklaus Mikaelson walking in, a scowl on his face as he does so. As he looks at no one in particular Bonnie assumes it must've had something to with one of his plans or plots.

"I'll be back" she says as Klaus sits at the far side of the bar. Jack nods at her as she walks over to the hybrid, grabbing scotch from the shelf. She pours it into a cup and hands it to him.

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