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When Alicia came out of her room, dressed and ready to go, Damon's eyebrows rose. Unlike Bonnie, Alicia wasn't angry about Jack's death, instead she had fallen into a depression. A very deep depression that had her in hiding. Yet today she seemed different. She seemed calm.

"Well look who came out of hiding" Damon commented. If he was being honest he was pissed at the young witch. She was sad, sure, but Bonnie was broken. While Alicia was crying away in her room Bonnie was wreaking havoc all around New Orleans.

"Look who finally doesn't have bourbon in his hands" Alicia muttered, walking to grab her jacket. Damon narrowed his eyes as he looked at the witch. She may have been young but she was nearly as tall as he was. That didn't matter much considering how angry he felt when he looked at her.

"Do you realize what Bonnie's been through? While you've been avoiding the world and hiding in your room, Bonnie's been burning down New Orleans and trust me I'm all for it, but she needs her family" Damon growled at the girl. Alicia looked up at him. Her brown eyes staring into his angrily.

"Where the hell do you think I'm going?" She asked making him roll his eyes at her. The witch clenched her jaw as she looked up at him.

"Well you're too late sweetheart, once again, she's at some meeting with the leaders of the Factions" Damon muttered, watching as Alicia frowned at that. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at Damon.

"Why the hell would she go to that?" Alicia asked the vampire, watching as his lips curled in distaste. He wasn't sure how he felt about Bonnie and Klaus becoming so close. To the point where she was so comfortable living in their house.

"Well one cousin is off cruising the world with the Mikaelson witch and another was, oh right, locked in her room until a few minutes ago" Damon said sarcastically, his eyes narrowed at the witch. "Klaus became her new best friend" he muttered, his face looking as if he just ate something sour.

"Oh did she replace you?" Alicia asked sarcastically, raising an eyebrow at him. Shrugging she smirked up at the vampire. "Good for her, though I'm not sure she traded up, Klaus is more of a psychopath than you are" she muttered, rolling her eyes as she looked from him to the coffee pot. It was fairly late for caffeine but she needed something to occupy her.

"Yea well he's been there for her, he's made sure that she's doing what she needs to, he's comforted her" he said sadly, remembering how Bonnie looked when he's seen her. Remembering how Bonnie talked about the hybrid she'd once tried to kill. "Unlike someone Klaus never left her side" he added making her turn.

That seemed to be the last straw for Alicia. Her eyes were red and angry when she faced him again. He could feel her magic in the air. A cold feeling went down his spine. She was pissed off.

"Do you think this is easy?" She asked him loudly. Damon stopped as he looked at her. "I spent every day with Jack, he was my mentor, he was my friend! Whenever I tried to talk to Bonnie she ignored me because I'm her reminder of him, if it wasn't for me then they never would have met, if it wasn't for me then Bonnie wouldn't be so heartbroken and he wouldn't be dead" she whispered, her voice breaking.

Damon sighed as he realized what this was. Taking a breath, he stepped forward, bringing the young witch into his arms. She reminded him a lot of Bonnie. While she was taller than her and more willowy than curvy they had the same fire. She had the same compassion. He felt the need to protect her just like he wanted to protect Bonnie.

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