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⬆️⬆️⬆️ So that video is basically a preview of the new Town Witch chapter I was bored at work and busted it out in like 30 mins lmao if it's bad that's why😂😂😂⬆️⬆️⬆️

Bonnie sighed as she watched Klaus sleep, taking a damp wash cloth she put it in his forehead, attempting to keep his fever at bay. He'd been sleeping, with a fever, since they brought him to Bonnie's home last night. Elijah had people fixing their home already but Bonnie knew they would be safest together.

Hope finally fell asleep an hour ago, she'd cried her eyes out when she saw him, they both did. Niklaus Mikaelson was not a man who was knocked on his ass. Bonnie was sure he hadn't been bed ridden since he was a human. Over 1,000 years ago.

They thought with Corin dead it would be safer but once again they'd tried to take someone who Bonnie cared about. Bonnie was more than ready to kill them all. She would make sure of it this time. Bonnie would be sure that the next time she faced them she'd rip out all their hearts with her bare hands. Taking a look at the hybrids pale face, Bonnie sighed, leaning in.

"Klaus" Bonnie whispered in his ear. The small witch watched his face carefully but there were no changes. "You have to wake up, 'I hate you' cannot be the last words I said to you, please Nik" the small witch whispered, her voice cracking slightly as she held back tears. Smoothing the hair in his face to the side. "I need you" she whispered in his ear.

When Bonnie saw that there were no changes in his face she sighed. Closing her eyes she laid her head down on his shoulder, careful of the wound still gaping in his chest, and pressed her lips together. With her eyes close she began to hum lowly. Rubbing his hair gently.

Damon walked in the room and immediately sighed. The small witch hadn't left her room since the hybrid was put on her bed. Walking towards her he placed a hand on her shoulder. When Bonnie looked up at him her eyes were red. Her eyes and nose a bit puffy as well.

"You need to eat" Damon told her lowly, not wanting to speak too loud. While usually he wouldn't care, everyone was treating Bonnie like a skittish horse. Any move they made could make her attack. The last thing anyone wanted was a heartbroken Bonnie Bennett attacking them. They'd seen the aftermath of one of Thaddeus Martins hideouts. It was brutal.

"I'm not hungry" she muttered, closing her eyes once more. Dismissing the man immediately. Damon shook his head at her. A frown on his lips.

"Look Bon, I'm not letting you waste away, Caroline's making you a sandwich and I will force feed you if you do not eat it" he told her seriously. Bonnie's eyes narrowed at him as she opened her mouth. More than ready to argue. "You're no good to Klaus or Hope if you're too weak to stand" he said, walking out before she could respond.

Bonnie groaned as she laid her head back down. She wanted to be angry with him. She was angry at the world but she wasn't angry with Damon. She knew he was right. She knew he was the only one being honest with her. Everyone else was too busy too toeing around her to truly be honest.

"If you don't wake up soon I'll have to kick Damon's ass for being right" she whispered. Chuckling softly as she buried her head in his shoulder. "I don't want to live in a world where Damon is right" she half whispered, half chuckled. The chuckle soon turned watery as tears began to fall. Her heart hurting as she held him.

"I can't lose you" she said under her breath, between soft sobs. Not knowing what she'd do without him. What Hope would do. The girl had already lost too much.

"Don't tell me these tears are for me?" She heard, shocking her into a sitting position. Klaus stared up at her through his lashes. His eyes barely open as he looked at her. "Shedding tears for the man you hate? That doesn't sound like you" he muttered, though hw couldn't get much more out. His face soon full of dark brown hair.

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