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Most of Bonnie's mornings were the same. She'd get up, throw on a robe and make herself a steaming cup of coffee to wake her up completely. She only allowed herself one cup a day now that she wasn't staying up all night to stop any and every bad guy that came to town. After she'd make breakfast for herself and her cousins before they left for work or school.

Bonnie would then clean until she had to get ready and dressed for work. Depending on her schedule that day she'd leave from around 9 am - 2 pm. She'd serve the people of New Orleans. It was a simple life and after everything she was happy for it, grateful even. Every now and then she'd have to take care of Klaus, Elijah or another member of the Mikaelson clan but it was fine. One such member was there now, Marcel Gerard.

"What's up green eyes" the vampire says as he reaches the bar. She raises an eyebrow at him as she rests her hands on the countertop. Her eyes taking him in.

"What do you want Marcel?" She asks him with a raised eyebrow, remembering what her cousins told her about how the vampire treated witches in his time as 'king'.

"How about a steaming bowl of gumbo" he says smiling at her, his pearly white teeth shining brightly at the girl. She nods going to put his order in. A bowl was already ready for him when she went back.

"There you go" she says simply handing the bowl to him. Marcel raises an eyebrow at her.

"Can I ask you something" he says making her look at him. The whole place was empty except for him and a couple in the back who weren't paying attention so she couldn't pretend to be busy.

"What?" She asks him disinterested. He leans forward on the counter, trying to catch her gaze.

"Why do you seem to hate me so much?" He asks making Bonnie look at him. She sighs as she picks up a glass, cleaning it with a rag.

"I don't know enough about you to hate you" she says simply as she wipes the glass cups and sets them down gently.

"I just don't understand you can't stand me but you can stand to be around Klaus, you're even helping him" he says with a raised eyebrow at the witch.

"I'm helping Hope, not Klaus" she tells him firmly as she sets the glass down and looks at him. "I can't stand you because you remind me of him. You use, manipulate or kill people to get what you want" she tells him to which he raises an eyebrow at her.

"And you don't?" He asks making her raise an eyebrow at him. "I did some research on you Bonnie Bennett" he says taking a spoonful of the gumbo. Bonnie narrows her eyes at him knowing he doesn't need the damn food.

"Born and raised in Mystic Falls, you went against some powerful beings Bennett. First Damon and Anna, but they must've been light work compared to Kathrine who you took down next, then Klaus of course, you and your friends even took down 2 originals something that was unheard of until then, then you defeated Silas and the Travelers, very impressive Bon Bon" he says making Bonnie look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"How do you even know any of that?" She asks him sharply. Marcel just shrugs at her softly, sighing as he takes another bite.

"I do my research and you" he says smiling up at her. "You have got to be one of the most interesting things I've ever gotten my hands on"

"Best you keep those hands to yourself Marcel" she says with a raised eyebrow "If you want to keep them that is" she warns him. He just smirked at the witch in front of him.

"I'm just wondering how you got here, the girl I heard about gave up everything for her friends, you just up and left" he says making her slam a hand on the counter.

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