I Still Want You

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Warm light filtered through beige curtains, shining softly on Bonnie's face. The small witch opened her eyes slowly, trying not to immediately shut them. A soft smile graced her face as music sounded through the windows.

Looking around she remembered the night before and groaned. She slept at the Mikaelsons estate. Willingly. Turning she pulled the, extremely soft, blankets over her head.

"Rich people" Bonnie muttered, rolling her eyes as she shoved her face into the silk pillow.

"Psst" Bonnie heard from bellow her bed. Peeking from under the blanket, and over the beds edge, Bonnie was met with the big blue eyes of Hope Mikaelson.

"Hi there Little Bit" Bonnie greeted softly as she showed her face to the small tribrid. Hope smiled at Bonnie as she hopped up, her face finally at level with Bonnie's. "Wanna get in?" Bonnie asked raising the blanket for the small redhead. Hope nodded happily, giving her a quick 'hi Bonnie' as she climbed onto the bed quickly.

"What time is it?" Bonnie asked as she wrapped the small girl up with the soft blankets, smiling when Hope cuddled close to her. Bonnie wasn't sure what to make of her relationship with the smallest Mikaelson. She couldn't believe how close she was close to the child, it didn't make any rational sense. She just knew she'd do everything she could for her.

"6 in the morning" Hope said as she settled beside her. Bonnie nearly yelped at the time, no wonder she was so tired, but before she could say anything else Hope spoke up once more. "You slept over?" She asked her, whispering as she looked up at Bonnie who nodded back at her.

"Yea, I had a long night and your daddy helped me out" Bonnie told her. Hope smiled brightly at that, more than happy that her dad and Bonnie were getting closer.

Hope barely remembered her mom. Daddy said she had to go away for Hopes protection. She didn't understand why, but she trusted her dad, yet she always felt like a part of her was missing. With Bonnie, the missing part wasn't whole, but it was filled in more.

"I'm glad you're around Bonnie" Hope whispered as she closed her eyes. Bonnie chuckled slightly as the small tribrid immediately began snoring softly.

"Me too" she said as the two girls fell asleep together again.
Freya smiled as she looked into the room Bonnie was staying in. She had to admit that she was only partially surprised to find Hope curled up beside the Bennett witch. As long as she's been walking on the earth Freya had no idea how their connection worked, but she was glad they'd found each other.

Walking away and going towards the kitchen Freya shook her head. Something in her gut told her that they would need each other. Bonnie would protect Hope, that she was sure of. Freya had to admit while she had her doubts in the beginning, the best choice for Hope, was for Bonnie to stay near.

Freya put a pot of coffee to make, smiling when her brother Elijah came in. He'd been up most of the night, checking on Hope, checking on Bonnie and simply staring contemplatively at the wall. He'd given Malachai Parker to Niklaus's vampires for safe keeping, until he could figure out a way to go about his plan.

"Good morning dear sister" Elijah greeting her, Freya smiled as she handed the eldest living Mikaelson male 2 steaming cups of coffee.

"Go, give these to our guest and send Hope down please" Freya said before going back to what she was doing. Elijah rolled his eyes at her orders but obeyed.

"Would you have me fetch the mail as well?" He asked sarcastically. Freya smirked as she began whisking the eggs.

"Oh marvelous offer, thank you Elijah" she said nearly chuckling aloud when she heard his mutters of irritation.

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