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Video up there has nothing to do with this fic it's actually a trailer for my fanfic Bonded go check it out please it needs some love lmao

Margaret smiled softly as she watched Bonnie walk home. The witch had spent the entire day with the small Tribrid Hope. If she didn't know any better she'd have thought Bonnie was the girls mother. Their bond was that strong.

"Pull up beside her, carefully" Margaret told Alonzo softly. They didn't want to frighten the powerful witch. The warlock nodded, doing what he was told, slowly stopping the van beside her. Bonnie had a frown on her face as she looked at the black vehicle.

The Bennett felt her magic reach out slightly. Ready to protect her if she needed it. When the window pulled down to reveal Margaret, Bonnie let a smile spread across her face, pleasing the older woman. Walking up to the car Bonnie smiled widely.

"Hello dear" Margaret greeted, her accented voice washing over Bonnie. Everything about the woman before her seemed to relax Bonnie.

"Hi" Bonnie greeted happily, her smile genuine as she looked at the older woman. Margaret smiled as she looked at the witch.

"Would you like to join me for a meal? I know a place nearby, with wonderful beignets, Jack used to take me" Margaret said softly. Bonnie smiled at the invitation, her heart warm, as she nodded at her.

"I'd love to" Bonnie responded happily, opening the door and sliding inside. When she went to close it she was stopped, a handsome man closing it instead, Bonnie was shocked by his speed. She hadn't even seen him.

"I was born a Martin dear, I need protection at all times, that is Richard" Margaret explained to Bonnie, gesturing towards the vampire. Bonnie nodded as she greeted the blue eyed man. The man was dressed in a suit with an earpiece connected. The smile on his face not fitting the rigid clothing he wore.

"Pleasure ma'am" he said happily, his accented voice making her smile. Though she wasn't sure how she felt about being called ma'am.

"Hello" Bonnie greeted him with a smile. When he got in and closed the door Bonnie realized there was another man in front. His eyes hidden by black glasses. He wore a large leather trench coat and Bonnie assumed all black clothing underneath.

"Good evening Miss Bennett" greeted the man dressed like Shaft. Bonnie waved shyly at him, giving him a soft 'hi' back. He gave off an air of importance. Same as Margaret did.

"This is Alonzo, he's been protecting me since I left my family, he's been my friend since childhood" Margaret told Bonnie softly, her eyes kind as she looked towards her childhood friend. Alonzo gave her a quick smile before he began to drive them.

When they got to the restaurant Bonnie smiled. The feeling on her heart bittersweet as she looked up at the building. Jack had taken her here for breakfast one morning. They were supposed to go back for dinner but never made it.

"Are you alright dear" Margaret asked, looking at Bonnie in concern. Bonnie was surprised to find the older woman was a bit taller than her. Not by much but still enough so that if Bonnie weren't wearing heels she'd have to look up.

"I'm alright, Jack took me here too, he said it was your favorite cafe in the city" Bonnie said, smiling at the woman. Margaret nodded as she looked at the woman who would've been her daughter in law.

"It is, though I must say, I enjoy a cheeseburger every now and then" Margaret admitted as they began to walk, making Bonnie laugh softly. Bonnie offered the older woman a hand as they walked together, smiling when Margaret took it without hesitation. "Although Jack never let me eat one in front of him, bad for my health, he forgot that I was his mother" she told Bonnie with a soft chuckle.

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