Chapter 2

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"I'm home!" I shouted, my voice echoing though the halls.

I heard somewhat of a hi and shrugged.

"You really think this is okay for be to be here?" Lanny asked, gripped the strap of his shoulder bag.

"Don't worry. It'll be fine. Plus, you get to meet my parents. And don't do the whole 'Your majesty' thing. No one does that."

He nodded and gave a brave smile but I knew he was terrified inside. Knowing that he's in a house full of blood-drinking vampires was enough to make him faint but meeting my parents who are the king and queen of the whole vampire race, that takes guts.

"You house so so big." Lanny gasped, gaping at the extravagant tapestries and paintings at the wall.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool but you get used to it after a while."

"I don't think i'd ever get used to this place. I should come here more often."

"Zita, are you home?" A voice boom from the spiral staircase next to me.

"Astraeus!" I said.

He glided down the stairs and to me. He looked over at Lanny and grimaced.

"Who's this?" he asked.

"Lanny. He's my friend from school." I said.

Lanny seemed lost in Astraeus' beauty. I could understand why. He was very tall and strongly built, had platinum blond hair that hung straight as silk and swept around his neck, ice blue eyes, and perfect milky skin. If you attached a halo to his head and wings on his back, he'd be the perfect angel.

"Ugh, your friends with a human? Gross." he said.

And if you replaced his bad attitude and ego, he'd be perfect.

"Astraeus! How dare you!"


I glared at him and he simply walked away and back upstairs.

"Can I call him ass for short?" Lanny whispered at me.

"I heard that!" Astraeus shouted.

We both giggled as we heard him stomp away.

"Are all vampires like that?" Lanny asked.

"Insensitive and narcissist? Nope. That's just him."

"No, no. I'm talking about... looks. Are they all this beautiful?"

"Well, I don't know. I've lived with vamps my whole life so I never really notice too much. Except when I look at my parents."

"What do you mean?"

"Look up there."

I pointed at a huge painting on the wall and his eyes widened. The detail was so exact, you could even see mom's long lashes. She had flowing, long white hair like me, red blood piercing eyes, and a strong commanding smile. My dad on the other hand has a softer appearance. He has wavy black hair that curled around his ears, darker but warmer red eyes, and a wide, comforting grin.

"Their so..."

"Pretty? Yeah, they get that a lot."

"Zita, this may sound weird but your dad is so hot. I could just eat him up."

"Not the first time I heard that. You want to meet them?"

He squealed and grabbed my arm.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

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