Chapter 26

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"So, random question," Cross said. "What's wrong with you're hand?"

"Like I said," I sighed. "It disappeared when Zita got kidnapped."

"Which i'm still not exactly happy about." Lanny said.

He's been giving me dirty looks after I told everyone that. We all gathered in the living room so that I could tell them the best Christams story ever.

"Well, where'd he go? We have to get your hand back"! Ani said.

"And Zita, right?"

"Sure, if we can."

"No, we will get her back," Astreaus hissed. "And don't be a little brat about it."

"I'm not being a brat! How am I being a brat? Am I, Andrew?"

She looked up at me with big doe eyes but i kept my mouth shut. Did not want to say the wrong thing.

"Look, the point is is that we have to find a way to get back Zita."

"Wait, can't you make a portal out of pixie dust," Cross asked. "I read that some where in a book."

"Where'd you read that?"

"Um, I don't know. Some picture book I think."

I rolled my eyes. Only my brother would take serious ideas from a picture book.

"No, I think he's right." Astreaus said.

"What, you read it in a picture book too?" Ani sneered.

"No. It's a legend that most people know. They say that it can open small portals that only last for seconds but are very strong."

"But don't we need to know where Zita is for the portal to take us there?" I said.

"No, not necessarily. Portals work by you concentrating on a living thing at the place that you're going to."

"So what do we have to do," Lanny asked. "Just sprinkle a little dust on the floor and think of Zita? Piece of cake. Let's do it!"

"It's really not that simple."

"What do you mean?"

"We'll need a few things. If we just open a portal in the middle of the room, it could suck everything up and we might not get to the right place. Portals are a dangerous and delicate process."

"So what do we need?" I asked.

"Quite a few things. A wide open space, moon light mushrooms, some rune stones, and a full moon."

"A-a full moon?" Cross said.

"Is there any other way?" I asked automatically.

"No, we have to," Astreaus said. "Unless he goes through that ceremony of yours."

"Then we can just leave him here, right," Ani said. "Just lock him up and stuff."

I can't even believe she suggested that.

"No! Someone needs to watch him! He could hurt himself, or even worse, escape! We can't leave him alone!."

"Then take me back home." Cross said.

"What? No way! Do you know what could happen? You could be punished for running! Or even worse, exiled from the pack!"

"So what? i'm a burden. I can't just let you guys drag me around like this! It'll just make things harder."

"I'm not letting you leave."

"You can't make me."

"As your future Alpha I command you!"

"Exactly. Future Alpha. You have nothing over me."

I grabbed him my his shirt and gave him a good shake.

"Fine. Forget all that stupid werewolf stuff. I'm saying this as your brother. Don't go."

"Let go of me." he growled.

"I will once you promise to stay."

"Let go!"

His eyes glowed bright and his fangs jumped out. He pushed me away and got on all fours.

"Everyone get back." I said.

Fur sprouted out all over him and his jaw lengthened. His body grew longer and a tail popped out his back side. He ripped his clothes off with his teeth before giving me a nasty glare.

"Hey, Cross,"  I said, keeping a close eye on him as he circled me. "Let's calm down buddy. We're all friends here."

I guess we were past the stage of having a peaceful talk. He licked his maw before lunging at me and missing me by a hair. He crashed into Lanny, who seemed scared out of his mind, but didn't seem to notice him. He growled at me and I quickly transformed into my wolf form. I hoped he'd go easy on me.

He ran at me and he snapped at my neck. We wrestled around on the ground, my clothes still on me and being a big bother, before he pounced on top of me and I pushed his body away from mine so he wouldn't eat my face off.

"Ani, a little help?" I barked.

She changed in a flash, shrugging off her clothes, and charged. She slammed into Cross and they both tumbled away. Ani made her way back to me as Cross tried to find his ground.

"Divide and concur?" Ani said.

"You know, I never really knew what that meant. Do you like, divide the enemy in half and then concur them with calculus?"

"Just take his flank and i''ll take the front."

We circled him and I snapped at his legs. Ani grabbed his neck and we both held him down. But a werewolf in rage is a lot stronger than you'd expect.

He shook us both us and we both went flying towards the walls. I struggled back to my feet and Cross was shaking his head and drooling massively.

"Get away!" he barked.

Suddenly, a bright light shone in the middle of the room. The light died down a bit and I saw a white circle in front of Cross. A dark hooded figure started to rise out and he stepped away as more came out. Once there were four of them, the circle closed and the room went back to normal. Cross though, was still furious. He snapped at the strangers and was ready to attack. Then, one of them held out a gun and my heart started to race. They're gonna kill him

I went to go save him but one of the figures slapped me away and I crashed into Ani. The one with the gun pulled the trigger and two long strings shot out and grabbed onto Cross. Then there was a loud buzz and he fell on the ground, stunned.

"Nice to know that he's gotten stronger." said the person who slapped me.

He pulled off his hood and my palms got clammy.

"Oh, hey dad." I said.

He gave me a smile but I saw a lot of anger behind it. One by one, they all took off they're hoods. There was my mom and Zita's parents. All but happy to see us.

"So," my mom said, giving me a disapproving look. "Miss us?"

I'm so grounded.



"Who are you?" I asked.

"W-who are you?"

We both stared at each other. I walked closer to her and she came closer to me. I pinched her cheek and she winced. Yup, definitely real.

Her hair was long, and I mean really long. At least a foot of it slid against the ground. It was pure white. She had a round face and red eyes that burned with curiosity. Her skin was impossibly pale and the long black gown she wore hung against her thin body.

"What's your name?" I asked.

Her mouth moved but nothing came out.

"My name's Zita, okay? Now, tell me your name."

"Z-Zita. My name is Zita."

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