Chapter 3

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"Mom! Dad! Where are you guys?" I said, my voice booming the halls.

"We're in here!" they're voice said in unison, but in different directions.

I went to where my dad was, following his sent and I opened a random door. Dad was on king sized bed laid out, fully naked, with girls all spread out around and on him. Most of them were the pack. Well, there's one way to keep the pack with you.

"Hey, kid!" dad slurred, taking out his cigarette from his mouth. "Come in!"

"I'm rather not." I said, uncomfortable with all the eyes staring at me now.

Dad laughed and said "You! Always the sensible one."

"Where's mom?" I sighed.

Dad shrugged and tossed his too long brown hair, damped with sweat. His eyes glowed yellow as his eyes wandered around the bodies.

"Probably in the other room with some company."

I nodded and turned. I took one last look at the girls, who winked and waved at me, and closed the door. Ugh. And to think that this was normal.

I sniffed the air again and caught my mother. I followed the trail to a room that was on the other side of the house. I smelt different things just outside the door. Gross. I think I smelt chocolate.

"Mom?" I said, peeking inside.

She was sitting on the lap of one of the pack and, like dad, stark naked and covered with people. Men and women alike.

"Hi, Andrew. Would you like to come in?" she asked, shifting her position.

"No! No, thank you." I said, shuffling out. "I-I'll see you later."

Yeah, sure." she sighed, brushing her pixie cut hair with her long, claw-like fingers. "See you later."

I closed the door and walked to my room, up the stairs. Yup. This was seriously was a way to keep the pack loyal to you.

"Andrew!" my brother, Cross, barked. And yes, he literally barked.

He strutted out in his wolf form with his bright, gold pelt glittering with water.

"Hey, little bro." I said, ruffling his head.

"I was able to successfully turn!" he said in wolf-speak, jumping up and down. "I was even able to stay like this for the whole time you were at school!"

I nodded and scratched behind his ear. He panted happily. He was only a year younger than me but since he was late to turn, he had to be home schooled so he would come to no danger. We usually turn by the time we are 8. Cross was 16. Yeah, he's a very late bloomer.

"Can we run together tonight?" he asked, his tail wagging fanatically. "I'd be so much fun! I can show you what i've learned!"

"Not to night, buddy." I said. "I've got homework. Plus i'm not in the mood."

He whined and his tail swept between his legs.

"Trust me, you won't be like that when I tell you why i'm so pissed."

"Oh, no. Don't tell me one of your fan girls stole your stuff again."

"No. Worse."

"Worse than trying to hunt a porcupine?"

"You tried to hunt a porcupine?"

"I was hungry."

I rolled my eyes at him and he grinned at me. Well, more like bared his teeth like a menace.

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