Chapter 15

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I rummaged through the kitchen fridge and found ingredients for my favorite dish. Cow boy rice. Mm. I cracked an egg into a bowl and ordered Andrew to chop up some sausage.

"So, how's your wrist?" he asked for the millionth time.

I rolled my eyes at him and whisked the eggs.

"They'd feel better if you stop asking." I said.

"Sorry. Just trying to be nice."

We continued cooking and chopping in silence. I poured in some rice and tossed in some left over steak, which I found surprising because i've never seen Astraeus eat food before. I only see him eat, actually drink, blood.

"Sorry for being a snob." I said. "I'm just kinda crabby."

"No, it's fine. I'd be mad if someone stabbed me too."

I smiled and stirred around the pan.

"I think it's done." I said as I turned off the stove.

I carried it over to a small table in the middle of the kitchen and set it on several coasters.

"You want some?" I asked as I looked for some spoons.

"Yeah, sure."

I whipped a spoon at him and he caught it before it hit him in the face.

"If only you were slower." I sighed, sitting next to him.

"If only you were faster." Andrew sighed back.

I stuffed a spoon of rice into my mouth and glared at him.

"Hey, I don't have super human abilities, remember, superman?"

"Oh, so know i'm a super charming, extremely amazing super hero that saves beautiful damsels?"


We both glared at each other but we eventually cracked into huge smiles. We both laughed and I almost snorted my rice. I looked back at him and noticed how close were were and he seemed to have noticed too. Be both stopped and continued to eat the amazing deliciousness.

 "Hey, girly." Lanny said, skipping into the room with Cross.

"Hey." I mumbled with my mouth full.

"Ooh, fried rice. Can I have some?"

I shifted the pan towards me and growled at him.


He ran around the table to me and he started to wrestle the spoon out of my hand. We slapped and punched and occasionally licked each other's hand. Then some how, Lanny managed to snatch my spoon and attack my rice.

"Noooo!" I said, watching as my food disappeared into Lanny's mouth.

"You guys are so weird." Andrew said.

"Hey, quoting Lady Gaga, baby, we were born this way." Lanny said, swinging my spoon at him.

We both giggled and Andrew rolled his eyes. 

"So how long are we staying here?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I don't want to be stuck here for the rest of my life! I do have things to live for, you know."

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