Chapter 18

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"A smoking hot Minotaur?" Lanny said.

"Yeah!" I said, flashing my invitation. "He said I was the guest of honor."

"Why?" Ani sneered, flipping her overly gorgeous hair. "It's not like there's anything special about you."

I gave her a slight glare but didn't let her get in my head.

"What I think she means," Andrew said. "Is who's calling you there? Especially as the guest of honor? Know anyone high up?"

"No. Only my parents." I said.

"Guess we'll have to find out." Astraeus said, appearing out of nowhere. "This is obviously a party full of chimera."

"You mean i'm going?"

"No, I mean we're going."


"Yes, i'm going as your guard."

"What about me?" Andrew said.

"What about you?"

"I can't exactly leave her."

He jangled the chain to make his point.

"You can come as her pet." he said, flashing his oh-so-evil smirk.

"Her pet? I'm nobody's pet."

"You'll have to be in this case. Vampires often have pets. Mostly just pretty things to keep them from getting lonely."

"Aren't I going to need a dress if i'm going?" I said, changing the subject.

"You can wear your wedding dress!" Cross offered.

"But that's ripped up. I can't wear that to something that's clearly meant to honor me, not to sound snarky or anything."

Ani snorted and I felt my anger boil right under my skin. Some day, imma slap her.

"Chimera are very giving people. They'll probably be giving you a dress. Maybe by tomorrow."

I nodded but shivered like crazy on the inside. Chimeras. Nasty, vicious things.

"Am I going to need some princess lessons and learn how to waltz?" I joked.

"Actually, you make a good point." Astraeus said.

Ugh! Stupid mouth.

"How about we start now, so we can get ready? When is the party?"

I looked at the invite and scanned the beautiful writing.

"Um, Sunday?" I said.

"Isn't Sunday a full moon?" Ani said, her cool figure slipping off.

Everyone looked at Cross who looked equally as unhappy as they looked.

"D-do you have a basement here?" Cross asked.

"Yeah," Astraeus said. "Follow me."

They both left the room, including Lanny, and Andrew let out a long, heavy sigh. Poor guy.

"Guess I can't help him this time." he said, sitting down on the floor.

"I'll help him." Ani said, skipping over to him and sitting on his lap. She straddled his hips and held his face.

"I'll make sure he's fine." she purred and pressed her lips onto his.

I rolled my eyes and turned my back to them. God, do you need to publicise your love every second?

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