Chapter 20

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The first thing i said was "I'm stuck!".

Not the most dignified thing to say but hey, what else was I supposed to say when i'm hanging upside down, 10 feet from the ground over a lard pool of unknown pink liquid? I had summoned my wings and tried flying upright but it was winding so no to that. Luckily, Andrew came. Seeing me in the most undignified position ever. Let alone the fact that I wasn't even supposed to see him...

"Um, watcha doing?" he asked.

"I'm having tea and biscuits," I snapped. "What the hell does it look like i'm doing? Help me out!"

Looked up at my foot, which was twisted and tangled in a very loose tight rope. I flapped my wings again and it splashed into the pool, spilling pink goo everywhere. And on Andrew.

"Hey!" he said, shielding his face. "Calm down!"

I continued flapping as the wind blew again and I tried keeping myself from blowing away.

"Auuuuugh!" I gasped.

Andrew kept covering his face as I twirled on the rope.

"Zita- Stop- hold still!" he barked.

I instantly froze like stone and swung back and forth, dripping in pink goo, that smelled suspiciously like bubble gum.

"Why don't you just reach up to your foot and undo it?" he said, brushing goo from his hair.

"I can't."

"What d'you mean you can't? just reach up and-"

"I can't! I can't touch my toes!"

Andrew paused and then laughed. I crossed my arms and blew my hair out of my face. Ugh, my hair. It's probably soaking with goo...

"Bend your knees!" he chuckled.

Huh, i should've thought of that. I bent my legs and reached up, which is not easy, and tried to undo the ropes as the twisted further around my ankles.

"I can't, it won't budge." I said.

"Can you catch?" Andrew suddenly asked.

"Um, sure?"

He threw me an oval object and I caught it in my hands. It was cool and smooth, made of wood and cold steel. It was one of those fold-up knifes.

"Cut the rope!" he said.

I reached up again and started to saw away. When it finally snapped away, not even able to register the moment, i fell away from it and, as you guessed it, fell into the pool.

"Gaaah!" I said as the goo splashed around me and consumed Andrew in a big wave. When I stood up and climbed out, I saw Andrew standing in front of me, handing in his pockets, looking like a snow man made of the pink substance.

"This is gross." I mumbled through the mess.

"What is this?" Andrew said, wiping it from his face.

"Pfft, you guys!" 

Ani popped up from behind Andrew and her face was as happy as ever. Bitch. Lanny ran up from behind her and came to my side.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Oh, just some tree sap and Pepto Bismol. Nothing a little water can wash away. Andrew, want me to help you get it all off?"

She tossed him a flirty smile and he blushed up from his neck. Ick.

"Um, sticky and cold student here," I said. "What was the whole point of this?"

Ani rolled her eyes and pulled a mysterious handkerchief from her back pocket. She cleaned her boyfriend's face and smiled.

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