Chapter 23

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I gaped at Lanny like a fish as he pinched his lips together nervously.

"What?!?" I screamed slash whispered.

"What what?" he said.

"You? Like? Ohmigod, this is big news!"

I squealed with delgith and hugged him.

"You finally have a crush! And he's a real person!"

He slapped my shoulder and I grinned. I was so happy for him. I couldn't believe that after years of coming out of the closet, he fianlly found some one he liked.

"I should so set you two up." I said, gripping his hand.

"Um, no you're not. You're terrible at these kinds of things!"

"What are you talking about? All i'll do is make sure you're always together. That's it. Would you hate that?"

He gave me a sheepish look and crossed his arms.


"And would I ever do anything that would ruin your chances with anyone."

I poked his cheek and he slowly smiled.


"And am I the most awesomest person in the world?"


I ruffled his mass of curls and giggled.

"I'll make sure that everything goes alright."

"Okay. Hey, you think you can sleep over in my room? I don't think Cross is coming back anytime soon and I don't like being alone."

"Sorry. Can't."

I rattled the chain and he raised his brows.

"Long story. Rather not say."

"Well, okay. I wanna sleep now. So get out."

I laughed and pushed him past the door. I walked out and saw Andrew sitting on the floor and dozing off. Today was a tiring day. I kicked his shoe and he jumped up.

"Come on," I said. "I think we're gonna be sleeping in the same room for a little while. Again."

He nodded like a sleepy child and followed me to our room. Without even bothering to change, or even wash up, we jumped into the bed. Andrew started to drift to the middle and I held upp my hand.

"Hold up." I said.

I reached under the bed and pulled out a big body pillow, atleast a foot taller than I was. I put it between us and comfortably snuggled in my sheets.

"Good night." Andrew mumbled.

"Whatever," I said. "Now shut up and sleep."


When I woke up, I entered a long day of preperation, practice, torture, and even more practice. This lasted for a few days till the big party date came. the night was begining to fall over the sky and a deep orange light seeped through my window.

"Can't I sneak in some panty hoses or something?" I said as I slipping into the slinky dress.

"No. They spesifically said not to." Lanny said as he dusted powdered sugar all over me. Aparatnly, that's what chimereas liked to smell.

"I think you look great." Andrew smirked next to me.

"Ha ha. Laugh. I dare you."

He calmly shrugged and continued to slick back his hair. He looked a lot more like his dad than I thought. But much cleaner. He wore a crisp black suit with his shirt black and even his tie too.

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