Chapter 13

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I woke up from my bed, my face stuffed in a head full of curls, and yawned. How did I fall asleep again? Oh yeah, stole some of my parents wine and drank a full three bottles. Best bachelorette party ever.

"Ugh, what time is it?" I said as I sat up.

"Um, like 5?" Lanny said, stretching out.

"Hm. I'm gonna get married today."

"Yeah. Excited?"


We both smiled at each other with our morning faces and cracked up. He slipped off the edge of the bed and I got off the other. Yes, we shared a bed but nothing happened. :P

"Do you have a spare tooth brush?" Lanny asked from the bathroom.

"Behind the mirror. I have dozens."


"I tend to brush a little too hard."

I heard him chuckled and I laughed too. He came back out with his curls all messy around his face and I had a 5 second crush.

"You should leave your hair down like that." I said, pulling at his curls.

"What? No, it looks wild."

"Precisely. It looks amazing. Please? It'll be my wedding gift?"

I puppy-dog-eyed him and he sighed.

"Fine, fine. Just go wash up so you can get ready for your Cinderella wedding."

"Like I said, I am not Cinderella. If I was, you'd have to me my mouse, Gus Gus."

"Just go!"

I ran into the bathroom as he threw a cascade of pillows at me. I closed the door behind me and I turned to face the mirror. Wow. My hair was a mess. I carefully brushed out all the knots with my fingers. After my bird nest was finally brushed out, I grabbed my tooth brush and squirted an unnecessary amount of tooth paste on my brush. One of the perks of being a vampire.

I started scrubbing and I rubbed my shoulder. It was still pretty sore. I pulled down my sleeve and saw that it'd healed pretty well. It was still kinda red with blots of purple but the scars had smoothed down. They were now only small brown dots arranged in perfect U's on my shoulder.

"Hey! You sleeping in there or something?" Lanny called from outside.

I brushed faster and in the process, snapped my tooth brush. Thankfully, i'd finished brushing by then so I was good. I threw the broken brush in the waste basket and rinsed my mouth.

"I wonder when the wedding's starting." I said once i'd dried off and walked out of the bathroom.

"Probably in the afternoon. Most wedding's are usually then."

"True, true. Ugh, it's gonna be such a bore!"

"Really? I thought it would be pretty cool."

"No. Its like a human's wedding but much different. Well, a vampire's wedding is. I don't know how they're going to wed us. Oh god, me and Andrew are getting married!"

I slumped into a chair and shook my head.

"I don't want to do this." I groaned.

"But you have no choice, right?"

"I always have a choice. I just need to take the right one. And this is it."

Lanny knelt next to me and leaned his head on my arm.

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