Chapter 11

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Oh. My. God. Ohmigodohmiggodohmigodohmigodohmigod.

I just kissed Zita. How in the world will I live with myself? I mean, i'm eventually gonna, you know, since our wedding's going to make us. But this? It's all moving way to fast.

I flopped onto my bed and banged my head again and again on the post. What have I done.


I didn't have to look to know that it was Cross. Oh, my precious little Cross. Maybe he'll annoy the memory out of me.

"What do you want?" I said, now facing him.

"Sorry. I was just curious. I thought that someone was breaking in or either some things were getting frisky in here."

"Do not mention frisky."

"Oh! So things did get hot in here! Where is she? Under the bed? I bet it's Zita!"

"No! It wasn't- no! And don't mention her right now! I'm in a mid-life crisis!"

Cross stared at me for a while. I admit, it was creepy but it was much, much better than talking about Zita. Especially after... ugh.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, your wedding's tomorrow. I'm your best man, right?"

"It's tomorrow?!?"

"Um, yeah? Didn't you mark it on your calender?"

"No, no, no! Not tomorrow! I'm not ready!"

I dropped back onto my pillow and let out a huge groan.

"Getting cold feet, now are you?"

"No, it's not that."

"Why? Did you find out she likes someone else too? Is it like a love triangle or something? I bet it was that Lanny dude. Oh, wait. He's gay. Anyways, does she have some freaky vampire thing you don't like or-"

"I kissed Zita!"

He fell silent and my face burned with embarrassment. Cross "oohed" and he jumped off the bed so he knelt in front of my face beside the bed.

"Was she any good?"

"Cross! We are not discussing that!"

"What? I want to know so I know to sympathise you on your wedding day. A brotha's gotta know."

I rolled my eyes and turned my head away so I faced the wall.

"It wasn't bad." I mumbled.

"So you did like it!"

"No I- okay, i'll admit, I liked it but what guy wouldn't like to be kissed by a girl? Especially a really pretty one?"



"You called her pretty again."

I threw my pillow at him and he caught it.

"Shut up!" I yelled.

Cross laughed and after a little while, I did too. I sat down on the floor with him and he patted my back.

"So, what's the problem?" he said. "If you liked it, you liked it. Do you not like her or something?"

"It isn't fair for Ani."

"Andrew, it wasn't even fair for you to accept the wedding. You think a kiss is anything worse?"

"Well, I don't know."

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