Chapter 24

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The man who walked in radiated with power and ultimate awesomeness. Not the best word to use but if you were there, trust me, it'd be the only word you'd be thinking of.

"I'm glad to see you all here tonight." he said, his voice a deep whisper that somehow traveled through the whole room.

The Master scanned the room till his eyes rested on me. I stared right back as he made his way towards me. He wore a gray suit and a matching fedora with a feather that bounced as he walked. He had long, inky black hair that he loosely braided down his back. His eyes were a frightening silver and when he grinned, rows of shark like teeth flashed at me.

"Hello, beautiful," he said. "Zita, if i'm correct?"

I nodded and he bowed, swinging his hat over his heart, revealing two stubby horns on his head.

"You are the Master, right?" I asked.

Astreaus nudged my shoulder and I jumped.

"I-I mean, if i'm correct?"

He chuckled and tossed his hat onto a random chimera's head.

"Please, a pretty girl like you should be calling me Calin."

"Calin, it's nice to meet you."

Astreaus nudged me again and I bowed to the Master. He laughed again and he lifted my face.

"Lift your head princess," he said. "If not, the crown falls."

He winked at me and I blushed. He sure knew his words. I rose back up and quickly pulled my dress up again.

"Would you like a drink?" he said.

"Um, yes please."

He plucked a few glasses from a servant walking by and handed one to each of us. He held one up from out of nowhere and clinked it against my glass. 

"To the most beautiful girl in the room."

He drained his fizzy white drink that smelt faintly of mountain dew. I looked down at mine and it was a foggy red. Little bits of steam floated off the top and my stomach churned. A tiny ball bobbed tot he top of the drink and I hoped that it wasn't an eyeball.

"Drink it." Andrew said, his already half gone.

"He's right," Astreaus agreed, which seemed hard to believe. "It's not bad."

I sniffed the drink and wrinkled my nose at the strong smell. It smelled like cranberries. I hated cranberries. I peeked over at Calin and he was still staring. Not wanting to be rude, I took a tentative sip and my jaw ached at the sweetness. It did taste good. Amazing even. Like a super sweet apple, ripe raspberries, and a whole other fruits combined. The best fruit cocktail ever. I took another big sip and my head spun a little. Mm, defiantly something else in there.

"This is really good." I mumbled into my glass.

I picked the red berry that floated in my glass and tossed it in my mouth. It exploded in my mouth with the flavor of a thousand cupcakes. I giggled and leaned against Andrew, feeling the floor wiggle beneath me. 

"You okay there?" Calin asked.

I nodded and I saw the floor rush towards me. Luckily, Astreaus caught me but even he seemed a little tipsy. His cheeks were slightly flushed and his eyes looked lost.

"I-I think we've had enough of that." he said, grabbing ours drinks and handing them to a nearby servant.

"Have some more." said the beautiful purple nymph, Antonina.

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