Chapter 8

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"Open the door!" Andrew roared.

He pounded on the door with his fist and I swear I could hear it cracking. I was still panting like a dog on the floor. Yeah, thanks for your concern. Slowly as possible, I flattened, not retracted, scared what it might do, my wings against my back and made sure it ddin't poke out anywhere. Didn't want to scare anybody.

"Maybe-" wheeze "you should-" pant "stop-" wheeze "Knocking!" I said. Well, hacked.

"Open the door, Cross!" he said even louder. "I know you can hear me! OPEN UP!"

He finally gave up on knocking and then went on the door bell. He kept pressing it faster and faster till his finger was a blur. The continuous deep bell rattled me inside and I felt like slapping him.

"SHUT UP!!!" Andrew's mom screamed.

Andrew stopped and the door finally opened, and Andrew's mom'm furious face made me tremble.

"Hello, mother."

"You poor thing," she said, all of a sudden nice-mother. "You look so pale. And weak."

"Yes, I wonder why?" he growled.

"Come in, both of you. We can discuss over some snacks."

Andrew's mom grabbed my hand and smiled wildly at me. She leaned in close to my ear and I was scared that she'd bite it off.

"I've always wanted a daughter, you know." she whispered.

She drew back and winked at me. My face warmed up and I looked down at my shoes. She dragged us both into an extravagant house, but not as big as mine, that was slightly messy.

"You'll have to excuse the mess," Andrew's mom said. "We don't usually have guests."

She pulled us into a living room where tea and some sandwich's were already prepared. We all sat down at the table as Andrew's mom gleamed.

"So, how're all the arrangements?" she beamed.

"Pretty dang good, thanks for asking." Andrew grumbled.

"Now don't be sarcastic," she snapped, slapping his arm. "Is he sarcastic with you? Well, of course! He's sarcastic at everyone!"

She giggled and it sounded like a child's. I looked over at Andrew and smirked.

"I've been meaning to ask," I said, twirling a china cup in my hand and receiving puzzled looks from Andrew. "What was Mr. Sarcastic as a kid?"

"He was absolutely dreadful!" Andrew's mom said. "He'd be dropping everything and crashing into all my precious vases i've collected over hundreds of years. Would you like to see some pictures?"

"Mom!" Andrew gasped.

"Yes, m'am!" I said.

"Oh, don't call me 'm'am', call me Linnea, my dear."

"Yes, Linnea."

She got up from the tab;e and went over to the cabinet. I glanced at Andrew again and his glare felt hotter than the sun.

"What the hell are you doing?" he hissed, making sure his mom didn't hear.

"Finding a way to keep you here longer," I whispered back. "And find a fun way to pass time without getting eaten!"

Linnea came back with a thick, leather photo album and grinned, flashing rows of white teeth and fangs.

"This is when he was born." she said, flipping to the first page.

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