Chapter 9

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"So, weddings coming pretty soon, ain't it?" Ani said, a bit of an edge on her voice.

"Yeah, it's all a big fiasco." I said, sitting on her bed as I watched her rummage through her closet.

She threw a white, long sleeved shirt at my face and it whipped my nose.

"He seems pretty okay about it." she said. I could almost here her grinding her teeth.

"Oh, yeah? How'd you know?"

I stripped off my shirt and Ani stared at my chest. She smirked.

"He didn't seem very angry at you and he hasn't seemed too grumpy. I'd expect more from him."

She continued to stare and I crossed my arms over my chest. Talk about awkward. She puffed out her own chest as if to show off. She had to at least be an B or C.

"You can't walk around with no bra," Ani scoffed. "Here, i'll get you something."

I raised my senses to their highest, in case she decided to through a bra at my face too. She tossed a small thing at me and grinned.

"It's the smallest one I have." she said, a little louder than she needed to.

I slipped it on and but the shirt on over. It stopped mid thigh and I looked up at her.

"Um, can I have some pants?" I asked.

"What? No, you don't need any. Besides, your legs are too stubby for my pants."

Okay, what was with all this attitude? I thought we were cool. I shrugged and pulled the elastic from my hair, swooping the long waves over my shoulder.

"What's up with your hair?" Ani said, wrinkling her nose. "It's so weird. And it smells weird too."

I glared at her and abandoned the braid.

"It's called being clean. Ever heard of it?" I said.

She glared back and I felt electricity flash in the air between us.

"Yeah, I have. Clearly, you haven't. You smell like a sack of weed."

Um, so not true! It's herbs! Vampires and water are not very compatible. It makes our skin and hair extra dry.

"I'd rather smell like weed than dog shit."

She growled from her chest and I grinned, not letting her scare me this time.

"Why don't you go get your leash and take a walk, huh? Chase some squirrels or something?"

Her eyes flashed a brighter brown and she charged at me. I braced my self for impact when the door suddenly clicked open and someone peeked in.

"Hello?" It was Andrew.

"Andy!" Ani said, reeling back her run a bit and clamping her hands on my shoulders.

"Everything cool in here?" he said, letting himself in.

"Y-yeah! Perfectly fine!"

She pranced over to him and gave him a lengthy kiss on the lips. He bent back in surprise but make no movement to object. He lifted her to her toes and she giggled. Ew. This was worse than my parents.

"Ahem." I coughed.

Andrew pulled back From Ani but she still chugged on.

"Whoa there." he said, pushing her fallen face away. Ha. Take that.

"So, what're you doing here?" I asked, my hands on my hips.

"Just came by to make sure everything was good and no one was, you know, eaten."

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