Chapter 4

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"What?" Andrew and I say in unison.

"Marriage." dad said, smiling at us like he just won the lottery.

"Marriage? I'm not going to marry a-" I paused, careful to choose my words since a bunch of wolves were now in my presence. "A jerk like him!"

"A jerk, huh?" Andrew spat, glaring at me. "That's the best you can come up with, tick?"

"Andrew." his dad growled, silencing him.

"You two will marry." mom said, giving me a icy cold glare.

"Oh yeah?" I said. "Well you can take that and shove it up your-"

"Zita!" dad's voice boomed.

He hardly ever yelled and when he did, you'd better listen.

"This isn't just some marriage we arranged to ruin your lives." he said.

"Really? 'Cause it seems that way right now." I shot back.

"Your mother had a prophecy."

"A prophecy? When were you going to tell me this?"

"Maybe if you'd stop talking and start listening, maybe you can find out what she saw."

I sewed my lips shut and gave him a long, hard stare. This better be good.

"Prophecies." Andrew gasped. "But... what... prophesiers are supposed to be-"

"Extinct? Yes, that's partially true. My wife here is the last one in the world." dad said, smiling down at mom and waving his hand at her as if he was showing off a trophy.

I looked over at Andrew and he seemed to be in his own world.

"So the vision?" I said.

"Yes," dad continued. "You do know of the fey, if i'm correct?"

"Yeah. I was almost eaten by one as a kid, remember?"

"Yes, Anyhow, your mother saw a path of them tearing our relationship with the wolves and we ended up destroying each other. The fey eventually rise to power and rule the supernaturals and humans, making them all slaves. Take over the world."

"Take over the whole world." I repeated. "So how's the marriage gonna help?"

"Well, it'll give us an alliance. A sure one."

"But why me? Aren't there other people who'd... volunteer?"

"First of all darling," said Andrew's mom. "I don't know many wolves that would want to take the hand of a vampire, no offence."

"None taken. " dad said.

"And second," she continued. "It's customary for the first borns of a family to be wed to another."

"Yeah, and that law was made when um, people rode horses everywhere and touch-screens are witch craft? This is the 21 freakin' century!"

"And I agree with you on that. But the old ways are also more powerful than the modern ways."

"Wha- what's that even mean?"

"This marriage will commence." dad said, slamming his fist on the table, creating a crack. "There will be no more discussion. Meeting adjourned."

Everyone rose from their seats and started heading for the door. I ran to my parents and grabbed my dad's arm.

"Dad, no!" I said. "You can't do this!"

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