Chapter 25

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"Dude what are you talking about?" I said.

"This wasn't- she said that this... oh god!"

His eyes went wide and he pointed at my arm.

"Where's your hand?!?" he gasped.

I looked down at my hand and saw that it was gone. Not like someone had just cut it off gone. It was just... gone. My wrist was there but everything else disappeared. Smooth skin ran over where my hand was. And, the chain was gone.

"My hand!" I screamed.

I looked at Astreaus and let out a few good screams before he slapped my face.

"Calm down!" he snapped.

"How am i supposed to calm down? My frickin' hand's gone!!!"

"I think the bigger problem at the moment is that Zita was kidnapped!"

"Oh yeah. But still!"

"We have to find her. But first, we have to get the others."

"Yeah? Well, how are we getting back?"

"I think I can help with that." A voice said, and when I turned around, I saw the minotaur guy.

"You," Astreaus hissed. "You're going to tell me everything that just happened. And make it quick, i'm not exactly in a patient mood."

"I actually don't know what happened," he said, adjusting his bag. "I was just told to make sure that she was safe."

"And who do you take orders from?"

The minotaur puffed up and glared at him.

"I don't take orders from anyone. I was merely paying a debt. Anyways, I am not disclosed to tell you that information."

"Disclosed? You're not disclosed!"

Astreaus picked up a sword from the ground and held it out at the minotaur's neck. He looked down at it with a calm expression.

"Tell me who your 'indebted' to."

The guy laughed and grabbed the sword with two fingers. It snapped between them. What kind of finger workout does he do?

"I think you better watch who you're talking to." he chuckled.

Astreaus shook his head and slammed his foot into the beatst's chest. He fell back and Astreaus held the sharp edge of the sword to his neck.

"No, I think you better watch who you're talking to. Now, who are you working for?"

The minotaur swallowed before he spoke.

"Nanti." he croaked.

"Zita's mom?" I said.

"What kind of debt did you have to repay?" Astreaus asked, unfazed.

"That," the minotaur said. "You don't need to know."

 He pressed the knife deeper and blood dribbled down the side of his neck.

"I'm losing my patience."

"I've told you who I was sent from. That should be enough."

For a few seconds he just stood there but he quickly backed away and the minotaur sighed.

"She also told me to relay a message." he said.

"What message?" Astreaus asked.

The beast looked over at me and his cold hard eyes gave me shivers.

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