Chapter 29

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I leaned onto trees as I struggled with each step. I cursed over and over, as if that would help the pain.

I looked back and didn't even notice how far i'd made it into the woods. I shivered against the rags that I wore. A simple night gown, torn and shredded.

"Oh, and I wouldn't try and tell them anything. Or else."

Aeldene's warning rand through my head and sent chills down my body. I would've flown out of the woods but I was too weak to summon my wings. I was afraid that i'd pass out if I did. And who knows what might happen if I did in the middle of a fey infested world?

"Hey! Watch where you're steppin'!"

I looked down at my feet and saw that I almost stepped on a small, brown fuzzy... thing.

"Um, excuse me?" I said

"Um, excuse me?" it said, in my voice.

I shivered and took a small step back. The small brown ball uncurled and revealed a small person. His skin had a greenish hue and his hair spiked up like a porcupine. On his back was some kind of fur, probably rat. He wore small patched of fur sewn together and a tiny needle at his side for his sword. He couldn't have been more than two inches tall. Despite my situation, I knelt down and picked him up in my hands.

"Aw, how cute." I mumbled, all the walking suddenly making me weary.

"Cute? Cute! She dares calls me cute!"

"What's your name?"

"My name is Cricket. I am a brownie."

I found it odd that he was so tiny but it just made him even cuter. Plus, he his voice sounded like a child's.

"How old are you?"

"Definitely older than you!"

"You look like a little child. With that baby face of yours."

I poked his cheek with my finger  and he slapped it away.

"S-stop it! I will not be patronized to-"

"Hey, are you like a baby brownie?"

"I am not-"

"But your so cute! Oh, I wish I could keep you in a bottle forever and ever."

He suddenly paled and gripped his sword

"You will do no such thing. I am my own and am owned by no one."

"Alright. Though, I could capture you anytime I want. And I don't think that 'sword' of yours is going to be of any help."

He made an audible gulp and drew his sword. He pointed it at my palm and pushed down. I'd sewn many times before and have never seen my skin pierced by a mere needle. But this was different. The needle pricked my skin and I flinched, dropping the brownie.

"Ha!" Cricket said, trying to get out a pile of leaves. "Now you'll- arg- never catch- ah!"

He tumbled out of the pile and I picked him up by his cloak. He thrashed about and before he could stab me again, I plucked the needle from his hands and dangled it in front of him.

"No! Give it back! It is very special to me!"

"Then let's make a deal."

"A deal?"

He stopped moving and crossed his arms, grinning. His teeth were rows of white spikes.

"Now I haven't made a deal in years. Now tell me, do you know the dangers of making a deal with anyone.Especially one who lives in the fey world?"

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