Chapter 6

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"Do I really have to do this," I asked as a measuring tape squeezed my stomach. "I mean like, really?"

"Of course." Carol mumbled with a mouthful of pins. I advise no one to do this at home. Trust me.

"Why can't we just get a dress and see if it fits?"

"That's like saying 'Hey! Let's wear a trash bag to the prom!'. Do you want to wear a trash bag?"

I rolled my eyes at her as she now wrapped the string around my chest.

"You're going to be so beautiful." Carol said.

"Yeah, whatever." I said.

She scribbled down the measurements in a small, black note book and smiled up at me.

"This will be done by tomorrow."

I nodded, not surprised. Carol was skilled  at many thing and this was only one of them. She skipped away and left me on a pedestal, surrounded by mirrors, only in my underwear and a t-shirt. What now?

"You're pretty flat for a girl, you know." said a voice.

I whipped around and glared at Andrew. He stood lazily at the entrance with his arms crossed.

"Don't you know it's rude to peek at a girl?" I snapped. "And it's very creeper-ish."

"Ish?" he laughed and stood a step closer. "It's extremely creeper-like."

"What are you doing here, anyways? I thought we were on good terms."

"Good terms? When did you think that?"

I paused and Andrew smirked.

"What. Do. You. Want?" I repeated.

"I want you to convince your parents to stop this."

"Oh, i'm sorry. Where you deaf when they clearly told me NO?"

"That's why i'm telling you to try harder, leech."

"Okay, I don't know what your problem is but would you calm yourself for a bit so I can get dressed?"

I turned my back towards him and stepped down from the platform. Suddenly a gust of wind hit me and Andrew appeared in front of me. He grabbed my shoulders and leaned close into my face.

"You messed with my girlfriend," he growled, and I mean figuratively and literally. "No one messes with my girl."

"I didn't mess with her," I hissed back. "She messed with me."

I summoned my wings and they tore out of my shirt. I flapped them up and flew to the ceiling, out of Andrew's grip.

"What's gotten into you?" I said.

He gave me an unfamiliar, sinister grin and flashed his fangs. He jumped limberly, a bit too limberly, on top of tables, counters, and ledges till he got high enough to jump at me. I flew out of the way and hovered. He bellowed out a laugh that didn't sound like him at all.

"Oh, Zita." he said. "So foolish."

Foolish? Since when did he talk like that? Something's up. He pulled something out of his pocket and I saw a crystal bottle, tiny and delicate looking. Inside was some kind of glowing liquid. He jumped up at me again, an not jumping on top of stuff but, full on jumped up and reached me. He opened the bottle too quickly for me to notice and splashed some of the contents at me.

"What the-" I said.

I looked down at it and frowned. Water. It gave off a tiny shine. Suddenly my skin started to ache and than quickly burn. I screamed and tried to shake it off but it only made it spread further around my body. Andrew threw the rest of the water at my wings and I stopped flapping. I crashed to the ground and wriggled underneath the burning acid.

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