Chapter 17

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With no shame, I wiped my snot on my sleep and sniffed. I knew I looked like dooky but I really didn't care at that moment. I just drank faery blood. And not just any faery blood, but blood of the person I now hate most.

"Hey, you still alive?" Andrew said from outside the door.

Sure, talking to someone from inside the bathroom is weird but it's better than looking at the face of someone who bit you. Not to mention almost kill you.

"I'm still peeing." I said.

"There's no sound."

"Wanna hear a funny joke?"

He paused before saying "Sure".

"Why can you never hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?"

"Um... I don't know?"

"Because the 'P' is silent."

I gave a small, humorless laugh. Hopefully it was enough to convince him.

"Ha, funny, Zita. You should do stand up comedy." Andrew said.

"I know right?"

"You should really come out now."



"Maybe I don't want to."

"Maybe you do."

"Well, I don't."

"But I want you to."

I hesitated at his words. What did he mean by that? I leaned my head on the door and putting my hand on it. I could almost feel his warmth again.

"Why?" I said, sounding as if I didn't care.

"Because i'm worried. I have the right to be."

"Maybe you don't." I mumbled.

It went silent. I pressed my ear to the door and listened for his breathing. All I heard was a loud bang and the door slapping on my ear. I fell back and Andrew hovered over me.

"I think you burst my ear drum." I groaned, rubbing my ear.

"You're a vampire, you'll heal." he said.

"I could've been peeing."

"Are you a pterodactyl?"


He raised his brows in an adorable way and I slightly blushed.

"Come on, lets get out of here." he said, pulling the chain and dragging my with it.

"I don't want to."

"Yes, yes you do. Now get off your ass."

Hearing him swear jolted me and it made me feel kinda scared. I scrambled to my feet as he pulled the chain and walked me like a dog.

"Get on my back." he ordered.

I did as I was told and wrapped my arms and legs around him. He opened the window and a rush of crisp, cold air hit my face in an incredibly refreshing way.

"Are you jumping?" I murmured into his worn t-shirt.

"You think i'm gonna fly?"

I kneed his stomach with my knee and he chuckled. I hate how cute he his. Stupid boys.

"Hold on." he said, gripping my legs.

He leaped out gracefully and landed with a soft thump on the ground. I looked back up at the window and was suddenly aware of how high up we were.

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