Chapter 10

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"Sit next to me, Zita." Andrew's dad asked.

Well, it was more of a command than an option. I sat in the chair next to him and he wrapped a heavy arm around my shoulder.

"You're looking very nice today," he purred. "How would you like to have some tea with me? I have some imported from India."

I nodded, my mouth too pinched to speak, and a few people came into the room with a sweet smelling drink. They set one in front of me with cakes, biscuits, and candy. Andrew's dad unwrapped one and held it to my mouth.

"Say aw." he said.

I opened my mouth, not wanting to be disrespectful, and he tossed it in. Now, normally, I wouldn't mind being treated like royalty. In fact, i'm used to it! But this? This is just plain gross.

"Thank you sir." I mumbled.

"Don't call me sir! Call me Leo."


"I don't want pastel." Gimp grumbled.

I guessed he was speaking Spanish so I didn't question.

"So what do you want, my son?" Leo asked.

I looked over to Andrew and he seemed upset that his dad called someone else his "son".

"I want to hunt," he said, smiling. "I want meat. Carne."

"Alright. But we take this, beautiful young lady with us."


Suddenly, everyone stood up and started stripping. Even Andrew and, unfortunately, his dad.

"Ugh, really? At least put on some pants." I said to Gimp, who stood proudly in front of me.

"No mas pantalones." he grinned.

I closed my eyes till I was sure that everyone was turned and fully clothed with fur. A big, black wolf barked at everyone, presumably Leo, and everyone followed him out the door. A felt a huge shoulder bump my hip and I looked down to a black and brown wolf looking up at me. Andrew. Well, better to follow him than his creeper-of-a-dad.

"So, where are we going, exactly?" I asked when we went around the house to the back.

Andrew nodded to the woods in front of us and I nodded. The woods seemed to go on and on. No end whatsoever.

Leo lead everyone deeper in and every thing got darker. I tuned my ears in to everything just to make sure this wasn't a trick.

Leo suddenly stopped and everyone else along with him. He let a loud sniff in the air and he barked. All the wolfs spread out but Andrew stood by my side.

"What's going on?" I whispered.

Andrew gave me a shush, or somewhat of one, and nudged my behind a tree. I had no idea why he did till I heard the crunching of hoof steps. I peeked out front the tree and saw an innocent, little doe. I kinda felt bad that it was going to be eaten.

Andrew was nowhere to be seen but I could here him perfectly. He was slowly circling his prey. After his millionth turn, he sprang right in front of it and it gave a brief pause of surprise. It turned to run away but it was too late. Andrew clamped his jaw on it's flank and it let out a heart wrenching cry. Andrew shook it in his mouth, taking larger bites to it's body, till it no longer moved.

"My goodness." I gasped.

Andrew dragged the corpse over to me, blood all over his muzzle and his victim. He tossed it in front of me and I started at him.

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