Part 16

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Aizawa POV:

We went back to dad.

"You two finally done? I'm getting bored. Come on shota."

He grabs my arm and starts walking off, dragging me behind him

"L-Leon! Wait a second!" Yagi says and i shake my head at him

Yagi POV:

Leon turns to me with a horiffying glare, "What."

I look at aizawa and he's still shaking his head, am i making this worse?! Oh gosh-

"N-Nothing mr aizawa." I bow and look at aizawa nervously.

"Bye." Aizawa says.. i can't tell if he's mad at me or just upset

Aizawa takes a deep breath.

"Hey dad mind if i stay out a bit longer? I'll come back in exactly two hours."

They just glare at eachother for a second..... it's kind of awkward..

"Fine." Leon drops aizawa's arm and walks off.. we're finally alone again

Aizawa gets up and hugs me...

Aizawa POV:

"Are you.. alright aizawa?" Yagi asks me and i back away from him

"I'm fine. Just.. come with me." I proceed to climb onto a nearby building using my scarf, Yagi walks over,

"Aizawa aizawa! Let down your scarf!" He chuckles at his own stupid joke as i hold my scarf in place for him to climb up, i get he's just trying to cheer me up but.. i know if i come back and I'm smiling, someone's gonna have a go at me.

Yagi climbs up and hugs me

"Saw i was upset huh.." i mutter

"You make it way too obvious.." he chuckles again and i try not to smile, he's just too adorable.

"Aizaaaawwwaaa.. smiiiiile." He says, holding me close to him

"AiZAwA.. sMiLE" i say in a mocking tone and try not to laugh.

"That's how you think i sound?! I'm offended." He lets go of me and looks away with a smirk.

"Yep." I say quickly and i run, laughing

"Oh you little-" He runs after me and we reach a dead end, no more buildings.

Yagi POV:

"Got you now aizawa." I say with a smile

"Alright alright. You caught me." He smirks, what is he planning..

I walk towards him and he jumps off the- HE JUMPED OFF THE GOD DAMN BUILDING-

I quickly run over and look over the edge to see him calmly laying in a tree. That crafty son of a bitch-

He suddenly uses his scarf to grab me and pull me down to him.

"You think you're so smart huh?" I laugh

"I'm very smart. The smartest." He laughs too

"Fine smart guy. Escape my revenge." He looks at me, confused.

"NO WAIT A SEC-" i start tickling him and he just erupts into laughter

"YA-YAGI- YAGI QUIT IT-" he manages to blurt out between laughs

"Quit what?" I ask with a smirk

"I.. I CAN'T SAY IT I'M NOTSAYINGITLETG-GO OF ME!" He... says? Screams? Can't really tell
I stop and aizawa giggles, immediately covering his mouth

We both pause for a minute

"Don't even mention-"

"AWH. Aizawa that was adorable!!"

"Oh god here we go"

"What!? It was adorable."

He laughs and hugs me, i hug back and instinctively look to my right, seeing a purple haired boy reckrding on his phone, from the building we were on before.

I whisper to aizawa "purple haired kid recording us on the building" and he quickly stands up

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