Part 20

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Toshinori POV:

Okay.. its time to go see aizawa... with mic.. they're both smart and strong fighters, if something happens ill have to step in, they'll get hurt-

Mic clicked his fingers in my face, "cmon lets go already hes gonna be gone by time we get there..... where are we meeting again?"

"Oh! Uhm.." i checked my phone, aizawa isnt leaving my house, i hate seeing anybody scared like this, especially him, we havent known eachother for long but i think i trust him, i did say i love you but was that just instinct because he was upset and in my care? Do i even know yet..

Mic clicked his fingers again but louder this time, "Earth to all might!!"

"Yes! Im sorry- we're meeting at my house, he doesnt want to leave, he loves the pool"

"NICE! I was gonna get a pool, its a bit boring when you dont have all your friends to throw a pool party though"

Mic throwing a party? I guess i could picture that..

We start our drive back to my house and i can see mics leg bouncing as he looked out the window

"Present mic, are you alright?"

"Yeah.. yeah..."


"You ever thought about why grass is so green?"

"Mic please just tell me whats wrong, if you're nervous or angry thats okay!"

He stares out the window in silence, i dont think i shouldve said anything, but hes clearly going through something

"Toshi.. what if he never forgives me..."

"Forgives you for what?"

"I.. he.." He sighs and starts to tear up, "he left me a note saying that he needed me to take care of shinso, that his mother wasn't good for him and that he needed me, and i just.. ive ignored him all this time, i let him go to ryuki, him staying with me was just a reminder that aizawa left me and abandoned me! IM SO SELFISH."

I pull over to the side of the road and stop the car, looking mic in the eye

"When you lose someone that important, you have every right to think for yourself, i know aizawa will just wish that... you took care of eachother, but you arent at fault! He wont blame you for anything...... are you still ready to see him?"

"If not now then when will i ever be.."

I sigh and start the car again, continuing our journey

Aizawa POV:

I heard the keys in the door, and as it unlocked i got a horrible feeling of guilt wash over me, i remembered how i let everyone down, but there was no time to think about that now, theyre here.

"Hey toshi, and hey mic.."

Mic was the first to approach me, toshi stood back, something's clearly wrong with him.

"So.. eraser!" He awkwardly chuckled and weakly did fingerguns towards me

"Not here for blackmail again i hope.." i smile slightly

"Why does it always have to be negative with you? Maybe i just wanted to see you!"

"Chill out i was joking"

"After the way you abandoned everyone you think you have the right to joke about this?!"

"No of course not i just..." i sigh "it really got to you huh? I guess thats good to know, you actually did care about me"


He ran towards me and tackle hugged me to the ground, crying

I hugged him back as tears formed in my eyes

Toshinori POV:

Its nice to see mic like this with him.. UGH i cant focus! Do i really care about sho or am i just trying to help another person in need! I feel like were going through so much together but am i just trying to solve his problems? Do i care about him as a partner or a troubled citizen?! I dont want to hurt him...

I watch aizawa help mic up onto my couch

"Hey toshi, could you get him some tea, 5 sugars."

"five?! Mic is this true!"

"Its like sweet hot milk juice.."

That man astounds me.

"And I'll have coffee, black" Aizawa says, stroking his friends back in an attempt to comfort him, he is a good kind person.. he doesnt fit in with shigarakis group.

I made the drinks and sat on the chair across from them, placing the drinks down and watching mic instantly down the full cup of tea.

"Hey sho.." he put down the cup and wiped his mouth, "remember oboro?"

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