Part 24

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Toshinori POV:

Thank goodness mic and shinso are back.. i didnt want to scare aizawa but i was also quite worried about them...

"Welcome back!"

"I hid shinso in a trash can"

Aizawa walks over and starts to scold him, im trying hard not to laugh but its difficult.

"Leon literally spoke to me! I saw him coming and i opened up a trash can and shoved shinso in it."

"Well at least he was hidden. Shinso ill show you where the shower is" aizawa led shinso upstairs and mic sat down next to me

"Hey yagiii.. youre blushing! What happened." Hes smiling so wide its unnerving. Is this how i make people feel?

"Its nothing! Im just quite warm thats all-"

"What did aizawa do? He does this with his partners, he finds it funny to leave them in a blushing mess trying to explain themselves- he can be an asshole"

I laugh, "really its nothing...I have to say mic its nice seeing you this cheerful!"

"I can get worse!!"



"I will take your word for it!"

Aizawa comes back downstairs

"You got any booze? Its been a day and a half"

"Sure what would you li-"

"Vodka, just.. just neat vodka."

I get up and make his drink, it worries me slightly that hes had a difficult day and wants to drink- i mean the league cant of been fun- was he drunk all the time?..

"Just... this neat vodka?"

"Yes- thanks." He holds out his hand to take it and i look him in the eye

"Toshi can i- have it?"

"Yes yes im sorry! I was deep in thought." I hand him the glass and go sit back down, looking at mic, he looks worried also

"Hey sho, whatve you eaten today?"

"Coffee counts."

"You dont chew coffee!"

"Fine.. ill make some food, ill cook for all of us."

He worries me sometimes.. but hes here now... hell be okay.

Aizawa POV:

I took small sips of my drink while i was cooking, i didnt notice i was hungry until mic brought attention to it, and now my stomach hurts like hell.

When shinso came back downstairs, the three set up the dining table and i served the food. It sucks that i havent cooked for myself since i joined the league, kurogiri did it for us. But i enjoy cooking.

"Hope you all like it.."

We tuck into our food


"I missed your cooking dad."

"Aizawa this is lovely!"

"Thankyou- toshi shinso cover your ears."

They look at me confused but the second they do what i asked mic screams/'sings'



"Oh sorry toshi!"

I continue eating like nothing is happening, im not as used to it anymore, it hurts my ears. But its nice that mic is back.

"Im coming back to UA. Ill talk to nezu and explain everything." I covered my ears immediately after saying this.


"Thankyou but calm down youre gonna burst someones eardrums or blow up a bird or something."

Shinso smiles slightly at me, im so happy i get to be his dad again.

Later on, mic and shinso were in toshis spare rooms. Toshi and i decided to spend some time in the pool before we went to sleep. We were in the water and he had his arm around me, staring up at the sky

"I hope we can teach together back at UA. Im excited to see my students again and.. we could be working together... do you think we should hide our relationship from them? Whoever finds out first with have the funniest reaction."

"I dont know.. they dont really seem like the types of students to care that much-"

"Youll see when im back."

He laughs

"Your students really admired you huh?"

"And apparently they cared deeply about me."

"When youre back, you have to tell them the truth aizawa.."

"I dont know if i can do that to them. I need to be strong for my kids. And around dad and talking about him i just cant be that."

"You dont have to be strong for anybody. They deserve to know why you left. The same as shinso and the same as mic."

"I guess youre right. And so does nezu. We were close... and i broke his trust.."

"I used to be close with him, but now he doesnt seem to talk to anybody, and if he has to itll be through a speaker"

"Wow. Okay.... well ill try to help him.. and talk to him.. tomorrow."

"Lets go to bed, im so tired after today"

I nod and head upstairs with him, his body is so frail, i always forget.. hes never told me why but... i help him up the stairs or he takes the elevator, he coughs up blood.. he scares me, but ill stay by him and take care of him no matter what.

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