Part 13

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The next day:

Aizawa POV:

After i got treated by kurogiri last night.. yagi texted me.... i was up all night talking to him.. i didn't even get a second of sleep. But I don't regret it at all. Just staying awake to talk to him made me feel happy.. i think that's the most I've ever smiled in my life!

And of course i was interrupted by the handy man.

"Get the hell up... or i'll get him to come back" He says

"Yeah right.. he'll just beat you up for not being able to control your own group.."

"Just get up." He says and walks off.. stupid handyman. I hate him..

I get up anyways and walk out "I'm going out. bye." i say quickly and head for the door

"He stayed here overnight.. can we wake him up or?" Dabi asks

"If you want to die sure." I say and leave, going back to the field.. where i first met yagi..

I walk to the centre of the field and see someone laying in the grass

"Shinso... Y-You're here?"

Shinso quickly stands up, "You still come here!? Why. The base nearby? Or did you just follow me here? To kidnap me or something?..... just leave.."

"No fucking way kid.. this is my only place..-"

"Place for what? Just sitting down? Don't you have a bed at your base for that? Or is it made of severed heads?" Shinso asks and i raise an eyebrow

"Not gonna answer because of my quirk huh? Fair enough.. But i'm leaving or you are. I don't need to talk to you." He says

"You with ryuki now?" I ask, referring to his mom

"The hell is it to you? You really want to kidnap me huh?"

"Can you not. I just want to know if my son is living on his own.."

"Well i'm not living on my own. And me and mom are getting along better than we ever did."

"Mhm.. i love you okay?" I say

"And that's why you left me alone without saying a word.." Shinso says and walks away.. i don't stop him, he has every right to be mad at me..... as long as he's happy.. I mean if my mom was still alive i'd want to live with her too..

Toshinori POV:

I see aizawa stood in the field so i run up to him and start coughing up blood.. "ai-aizawa!"

He turns around, "What the hell!? Are you okay!?" He looks upset..

"Are you... you look.. upset.." I say to him

"Just ran into shinso.. so"

"Oh.. are you okay?"

"He's better off.. but anyways.." he lifts my blood-covered hand into view "Are you okay?"

"O-Of course... this happens all the time"

"All the time?" Aizawa says, "That can't be good.."

A sudden chill runs down my spine as aizawa pulls me back

Aizawa POV:

Shit shit shit.. no no no.. dad.. why is dad here.. oh god no.....

"SHOTA WHAT THE FUCK." he grabs my wrist, "STUPID KID COME ON."

"R-Right.. sorry dad.." i say

"You're the one." I hear yagi say and i look at him.. this is gonna go horribly wrong..

"And who the hell are you." He throws me down behind him and glares at yagi.

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